How "Right sector" Calls Pochayiv Lavra an Offender
The site "Religion in Ukraine", known for its biased publications about the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, has reported recently that members of the organization the "Right sector" applied to the representatives of law enforcement bodies in respect of the printed materials distributed in the territory of the Holy Dormition Pochayiv Lavra. Ministers of the shrine are assumed to violate the "equal rights of citizens based on their religious affiliation."
To understand whether there has been an offence in fact, let's try to understand the essence of the claim. We are talking about the following Pochayiv leaflets and brochures:
"Schism. Patriotism or crime? ";
"Catholicism and its struggle with Orthodoxy";
"Why does the world Orthodoxy not recognize Kyiv Patriarchate?";
"The Holy Fathers on the heresy of the Latins (about Catholicism)";
"Warning: the sect! ... ".
Now, let's touch on themes of each individual printed material to understand whether there is in fact an offence on the part of the monastery, or information about it is "made out of thin air"?
A few words about schism
In the Orthodox Church there is such a thing as a split. It exists irrespective of the territory of the country where it operates. The concept of schism was used many centuries ago by the Holy fathers in relation to those people who broke away from the unity with the World Orthodoxy. Such terminology is an internal affair of the Orthodox Church, and as such an integral part of its teaching. Every Sunday at the Liturgy the priest and the laity recite the Creed, thereby claiming to believe in the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. Those religious organizations which composed it but dissented are schismatics according to this conceptual-categorical system.
If we analyze the issue was not even from the spiritual point of view but from the perspective of secular law, these definitions do not violate anyone's rights. In many recognized Local Orthodox Churches there is a problem of division, but the term "schismatic" is freely used. No one files a claim because these aspects are an internal affair of the religious organization. In this context, we can draw an analogy with the Muslim world. Ukraine is home to many Muslims, however, according to their teachings, they consider Christians and members of other denominations "infidels". This position is an internal affair of their religious organization. Given they are not going to commit any acts of violence towards Christians and they do not commit vandalism towards the Christian shrines, there is no offence. In terms of the current legislation of our secular state, whether the representatives of the trend for "the one local church" like it or not, the internal position of the religious organization is its own business. Therefore, anyone can find the other infidel, according to their religion, without causing harm to the man. This is not an offence.
Another thing is that in our country, which is slowly beginning to lose its secular character, there are people who want to put the Church at the service of their ideology and merge it with the state. However, this approach is not typical for the Orthodox Church as the Savior said: "My kingdom is not of this world." According to historical examples, the process of rapprochement of the Church and the State always ended up negatively – for both parties. Therefore, it is quite logical to raise the question of what schism actually is – a manifestation of patriotism or moral offence which, yet not carrying any legal consequences, goes against conscience?
About Catholicism
Anyone who seeks to find information about the relationship of the Orthodox and the Catholic Christians in the historical context can find out a lot of facts difficult for comprehension. However, one cannot rewrite history. And remembering how many Orthodox Christians were killed and tortured in Ukraine when the union was implanted, it would be difficult to say anything good about that period. The fighting between Catholicism and Orthodoxy did take place at that time and was reflected in active actions. Now everything is okay. But can the story of historical truth be considered as an offence?
"Kiev Patriarchate" and World Orthodoxy
The World Orthodoxy does not recognize such a religious organization as "Kiev Patriarchate". Representatives of the UOC-KP are not invited to the descent of the Holy Fire (and one of the reasons may be rejection of its miraculous nature); self-proclaimed "Patriarch" Filaret was not invited to the meeting of the Primates of the Orthodox Churches in Chambésy devoted to the preparation for the Pan-Orthodox Council. Furthermore, in this meeting first hierarchs of the Local Churches expressed support for the Ukrainian Orthodox Church and were briefed about the persecution of the faithful by "Kiev Patriarchate", which is expressed in raider attacks on the UOC churches, beatings and the like. "Kiev Patriarchate" is really outside the World Orthodoxy. Therefore, to talk about this fact is just a statement. Again, is there anything illegal in it?
Holy Fathers and the heresy of the Latins
Orthodoxy and Catholicism are religious organizations that do not have Eucharistic unity. It is also a well-known fact, as well as the fact that the Holy Fathers of the Orthodox Church disapproved of Catholicism as such – of course, they did not feel hostile to Catholics as God's creation. We can draw as analogy here between Muslims and Christians considered "infidels" in matters of faith. Why do Christians need to be faithful to Islam? Similarly, this applies to Catholicism. The Orthodox Church considers heresy everything that is contrary to its teachings. Since not only the dogmas, but also the Creed, have been altered by Catholics, the indication of this fact in typical Orthodox Church terminology is not incitement to religious hatred. This has been disputed for centuries. Why now, on the wave of pseudo-patriotism, such statements are “raised” by the representatives of the individual nationalist organizations and construed in any line?
About sects
The term "sect" is not characteristic only for the Orthodox Church. It is widely used in various fields of knowledge. For example, in psychology, where there is a theoretical basis for the destructive and totalitarian sects, ways out of them, etc. Religious organizations that violate human rights, depriving of freedom and promoting psychological enslavement with full submission to the leader's will, are sects. Again, why to hide the obvious and see the incitement of religious enmity, where there isn’t any? One gets the impression that for certain representatives of the "Right Sector" a statement of the existence of sects is a much bigger problem than the fact of their activities with all the attendant problems in the form of fraudulent schemes, defrauding people of means, and the destruction of their mental health.
And finally about "sinless" "Right sector"
Representatives of the "Right Sector", who accused the UOC of discrimination on religious grounds, wrote an "interesting" statement on this subject. They entitled it «“Moscow Church”. Hatred and Violation of Law.» From the title itself, you can understand what "love" will be further talked about by the organization itself. The website quoted the Ukrainian legislation and regulations alleging that the UOC violates the rights of others to freedom of conscience. However, what do they regard as violation? The fact that our Church, not calling to any kind of violence or social discrimination against heretics, has its own position? So similar can be said of any religious organization. It is not clear where there is an offence here.
Very “tell-telling” is the conclusion of the material on the official cite of the "PS": "Get away from worthless Moscow and its Patriarchate!" I wonder what the representatives of the "Right sector" wanted to demonstrate by it – their great tact and commitment to inter-faith peace?
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