OCU occupies Uhornytsky Monastery of UOC in the Carpathian region
Uhornytsky Monastery of the UOC, occupied by representatives of the OCU. Photo: Facebook Feohnost Bodoryak
On February 10, 2023, in the St. Michael's Uhornyky Monastery of the UOC, located in Babyanka, Kolomyia District, Ivano-Frankivsk Region, the Bohorodchany "bishop" of the OCU Feohnost Bodoriak held a "worship service". He announced this on his Facebook page. He was assisted by the “monks” of the OCU Maniava Monastery.
According to sources of the UOJ, the St. Michael Monastery of the UOC was closed for almost a year. At the beginning of the invasion of the Russian Federation, the brethren were given a choice – they had to either go to the OCU or leave the monastery. The monks chose to leave. For some time, refugees lived in the premises of the monastery. Now the shrine was occupied by representatives of the OCU.
The Uhornyky St. Michael Monastery was founded in the 17th century. Part of its history is connected with the Uniate period. By the decision of the Synod of the UOC of February 26, 2010 (journal No. 10), the activity of the monastery was revived.
Just 3 kilometers from the monastery, in the village of Uhornyky, there is the Transfiguration Monastery of the OCU, which is also called Uhornytsky.
Earlier, the UOJ wrote that in March 2022, the abbot and monks of the Dukonsky Monastery of the UOC in the Ivano-Frankivsk region were expelled from the monastery.
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