"Infernal parody of the Church"? Some conclusions from a letter to Pope
Carlo Viganò directly accused Pope Francis of creating something like a single world religion without dogmas and morals – literally, "an infernal parody of the Church of Christ". Photo: UOJ
An unofficial Catholic resource published a letter by Catholic Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, who accused Pope Francis of "aspiring to preside over this infernal parody of the Church of Christ". Despite the harsh accusations made by Archbishop Carlo Viganò, as well as his reputation as a consistent opponent of Pope Francis, the letter contains several points that deserve attention and analysis.
Archbishop Carlo Viganò, born in 1941, has consistently held a number of rather important and responsible positions in the Vatican. He was the Apostolic Nuncio (ambassador) to Nigeria, a delegate to the Pope's representations at the State Secretariat of the Holy See, the Secretary-General for Vatican City State Governorate, and the Apostolic Nuncio to the United States. He resigned from this post in 2016.
In 2018, Carlo Viganò wrote an open letter accusing Pope Francis of covering up paedophilia among the top Catholic hierarchs and demanding the resignation of the pontiff. "Francis renounced the commission given to Peter by Christ to affirm the brothers. Indeed, by his actions he divided and continues to divide them, mislead them and encourage wolves to continue to abduct the sheep from the flock of Christ. At this very dramatic moment for the Ecumenical Church, he must acknowledge his mistakes and, following the principle of zero tolerance he himself proclaimed, Pope Francis should be the first to set a good example to the cardinals and bishops who covered up the abuses of McCarrick (a cardinal from the USA convicted of paedophilia – Ed.) and resign along with all of them," Vigano wrote then. As you know, the Pope turned a deaf ear to the appeal.
Carlo Viganò has consistently criticized such actions of Pope Francis as his worship of the Amazonian idol Pacha Mama, signing with the Saudi Imam the Declaration of Human Brotherhood, etc.
In May 2020, Carlo Viganò not only wrote another open letter indirectly criticizing Pope Francis but also collected the signatures of dozens of public figures, representatives of international organizations, journalists, doctors, lawyers, and 12 Catholic cardinals and archbishops.
“We have reason to believe, on the basis of official data on the incidence of the epidemic as related to the number of deaths, that there are powers interested in creating panic among the world’s population with the sole aim of permanently imposing unacceptable forms of restriction on freedoms, of controlling people and of tracking their movements,” wrote Vigano. He opposed the Vatican following the secular authorities and accepting restrictions on the religious rights of citizens.
True, soon, as some religious analysts suggest, under the pressure of Pope Francis, the cardinals either began to refuse their signatures to this letter or say that they were misunderstood.
And on May 31, 2020, the unofficial Catholic resource marcotosatti.com published the correspondence of Carlo Viganò with a Catholic cloistered religious sister. The latter, inspired by Vigano's letter concerning the coronavirus, shares with him her concerns that the preparation for the manifestation of the Antichrist will become ever more imposed and oppressive, including through the actions of Pope Francis. According to her, the head of the Vatican neutralizes his opponents, who criticize his actions: “The objective, obviously, is to eliminate the “hot heads” – those who are subversive and who stand in the way of a plan that has already been designed and that now waits for nothing else other than to be fully realized.”
In a response letter, former Vatican Nuncio Carlo Viganò directly accused Pope Francis of creating something like a single world religion without dogmas and morals – literally, "an infernal parody of the Church of Christ".
The main points of Viganò’s letter are as follows:
- today is the epochal clash between Good and Evil, between the sons of Light and the sons of Darkness;
- the Vatican Hierarchy are openly placing themselves at the service of “the Prince of this world”;
- the activity of this “Prince of this world” is manifested in promoting globalist agenda, the ideology of brotherhood, Malthusian ecologism, immigrationism;
- what is being created is a single world religion without dogmas or morals;
- the cardinals supporting this tendency have openly revealed their intentions;
- Pope Francis aspires to preside over this emerging religion;
- the fundamental reason for this deviation from Christian teaching is the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965), which adopted the ideology "ajornamento" – the renewal of Catholicism, its openness to the world, its tolerance of other religions, etc.
The battle of Good with Evil has been going on since the fall of Lucifer, and therefore this thesis is not new. The question is at what stage of this struggle we are now.
According to the Christian doctrine of recent times, humanity will have to unite both politically and religiously, and the Antichrist will take the lead in this unification. Therefore, any globalist processes must be viewed through the prism of this doctrine. It is clear that all the above mentioned by Carlo Viganò, migration, fraternity and environmentalism, contribute to such a worldwide unification.
In general, any global issue, be it environmental pollution, climate change, migration flows, coronavirus and other infectious diseases, the collapse of the global economy, the global financial movement and so on, leads to the idea that to solve such a problem requires not just coordinated efforts of states but the creation of supranational authorities or empowerment of state bodies of one state to dictate its decisions to other states. Indeed, the creation of such supranational power structures is dictated by objective necessity. For example, the anthropogenic impact on the environment cannot be reduced even with the coordinated efforts of individual states. For that, a single body is needed.
In addition, such a global problem as migration can be artificially provoked and hyped to appalling proportions, making use of modern media. And as a solution to such a problem, the creation of world power structures should be proposed.
And here is the first interesting conclusion from the letter of Carlo Viganò: almost everything that he accuses Pope Francis of can be attributed to Patriarch of Bartholomew of Constantinople. The same pedalling environmental topics. The same ideology of the brotherhood of people and nations. The same calls for tolerance towards migrants. And today, solidarity with protests against racism, which swept both America and already Europe, can be added to this list.
And despite the fact that these protests are accompanied by outright violence, pogroms and robberies, Pope Francis and the Catholic Cardinals urge everyone to join such protests, and such a prominent Constantinople hierarch as the head of the American Archdiocese, Metropolitan Elpidifor (Lambriniadis) generally directly participates in the manifestations.
Now, there is a trend in both the Phanar and the Vatican to silence but in fact to abandon some (so far) dogmas of faith and moral norms. Both Patriarch Bartholomew and Pope Francis talk about the close and inevitable connection between Orthodoxy and Catholicism, but they forget to mention two (at least two) dogmatic divergences: the descent of the Holy Spirit from God the Son and the primacy of the Pope, along with his infallibility. At the same time, Pope Francis went much further in silencing dogmatic differences not only with different Christian denominations but also with other religions.
On February 4, 2020, Pope Francis and the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar University Ahmad Al-Tayeb signed the Document on Human Fraternity, under which the centre "Abrahamic Family House" is to be built in Abu Dhabi, which may become the assembly point for Catholicism, Islam and Judaism.
In 2015, the Vatican adopted a document stating that Jews do not need Christianity for salvation and therefore the Vatican ceases all missionary efforts among Jews.
The fact that moral doctrine undergoes rapid degradation both from the side of the Phanar and the Vatican is clearly illustrated by their attitude to LGBT people. Back in 2013, Pope Francis said: “Who am I to judge homosexuals?” In 2018, German cardinal Reinhard Marx proposed giving church blessing to same-sex couples.
The Patriarchate of Constantinople in the document “For the Life of the World: Towards a social ethos of the Orthodox Church”, adopted in January 2020, also refused to recognize homosexuality as a sin. “We live in an age in which sexuality has come more and more to be understood as a personal fate, and even a private matter. <...> But the Church understands human identity as residing primarily not in one’s sexuality or in any other private quality, but rather in the image and likeness of God present in all of us. All Christians are called always to seek the image and likeness of God in each other, and to resist all forms of discrimination against their neighbors, regardless of sexual orientation,” the document says.
Thus, we can draw the following conclusion: it has not come to "the religion without dogmas and morals" yet but both the Vatican and the Phanar today are gradually reducing their dogmatic teachings and moral rules to a certain minimum, which will allow them to go further along the path of ecumenical rapprochement.
Carlo Viganò says quite rightly that it was the Second Vatican Council that made such an erosion of the dogmatic and moral teaching of Catholicism possible. Interestingly, the ideology of openness and tolerance “adjomento” was adopted by the Council of Catholic hierarchy, which in Catholicism has the status of “Ecumenical”, plus its decisions were put into effect by the corresponding papal encyclicals that the pope proclaimed “ex cathedra”, which means in accordance with the Catholic doctrine of the infallibility of the Pope in such cases, they are infallible. That is, in other words, Carlo Viganò questions both the infallibility of the Pope and the conciliar opinion of the Catholic hierarchy.
It is in Orthodoxy that the decisions of any Council, even the Ecumenical Council, are recognized as true only when they correspond to the decisions of all previous Ecumenical Councils, while in Catholicism, the Pope is the guardian and spokesman of truth.
Hence, the conclusion (the last for today): the former Vatican Nuncio to the United States actually casts doubt on the Catholic dogma of papal infallibility. And with this doubt, the Catholic archbishop testifies (at least in this respect) that Catholicism has moved away from the saving Truth that the Roman Church preserved until its break with Orthodoxy.
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