Should all Orthodox Christians repent for the Volyn Massacre?

Head of the UGCC Sviatoslav Shevchuk. Photo:

The text contains many beautiful words, but its essence is that the Polish and Ukrainian peoples need to "cleanse historical memory", mutually forgive each other, and reconcile.

Shevchuk prides himself that it is the Catholic Churches that are the initiators of such reconciliation: "Reconciliation between our peoples is a process of healing wounds that both Poles and Ukrainians carry in their souls and consciences to this day." At the same time, the statement says that "reconciliation can only be built on truth and justice."

And here is the question – is it fair that Shevchuk reconciles for the Volyn Massacre on behalf of the entire Ukrainian people?

Let us recall, the massacre was carried out in 1943 by very specific people – members of the OUN-UPA. Yes, the overwhelming majority of them were Uniates, and Shevchuk's involvement here is understandable. But can it be said that the "Ukrainian people" bear responsibility for the tens of thousands of Polish women and children killed by the UPA? Is the conscience of the entire Ukrainian people burdened by this now? Absolutely not, this is a gross manipulation.

What is surprising is not Shevchuk's rhetoric, who tries to stain all Ukrainians with the Volyn Massacre. What is surprising is that the same is done by the exarch of the Phanar, Michael (Anishchenko), who stated that "representatives of all confessions, including Orthodox, should join such initiatives." He claims that "history is a common heritage."

The Volyn Massacre, like any mass killings, is undoubtedly a tragedy. But the overwhelming majority of those involved – both victims and perpetrators – were Catholics.

As regards Orthodox Christians, they undoubtedly need to repent. But there are plenty of reasons for this without the Volyn Massacre.

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