Does Pope Francis urge Europe to commit a demographic suicide?
Pope Francis welcomes the transformation of Europe into a Muslim territory. Photo: UOJ
On Saturday 3 October 2020, Pope Francis signed a new encyclical Fratelli tutti in the Basilica of St. Francis during his visit to Assisi. Its full name in translation is "An encyclical letter to all brothers of St. Father Francis about brotherhood and social friendship." This "brotherhood and social friendship" relates primarily to Muslims. The third paragraph tells how Francis of Assisi visited the Sultan Malik al-Kamil in Egypt, probably with the expression of loyal feelings, since the pontiff writes the following: “We are amazed how eight hundred years ago Francis recommended avoiding any form of aggression or strife, as well as living in humble and fraternal ‘submission’ even towards those who did not share their faith." In the fifth paragraph, the Pope already talks about his own meeting with Imam Ahmad Al-Tayeb, which took place in 2019, and during which they signed a joint declaration of brotherhood.
The key message of the encyclical Fratelli tutti is the following: European countries should take care of migrants in every possible way, promote their resettlement to Europe and pursue a policy of tolerance, transparency and multiculturalism.
Should Muslim migrants become masters in Europe?
In relation to migrants, Pope Francis is based on the Gospel parable of the merciful Samaritan, the fact that the baby Jesus Christ and the Holy Family were aliens in the land of Egypt, as well as numerous quotes from the Holy Scriptures about the attitude towards aliens.
The first shocking thing about the Fratelli tutti encyclical is that the Pope essentially declares private property no longer private but public. He says that everyone has the right to use this property.
“The Christian tradition has never recognized the right to private property as absolute or inviolable and has emphasized the social function of any form of private property. <…> The principle of common use of goods created for everyone is "the first principle of the entire ethical and social order", it is a natural, initial and priority right. All other rights to goods necessary for the holistic actualization of people, including the rights of private property and any others, ‘should not hinder this, but, on the contrary, contribute to their implementation’, according to St. Paul VI. The right to private property can be considered only as a secondary natural right arising from the principle of the universal purpose of the created goods, and this has very specific consequences that should be reflected in the functioning of society."
In another place: "Together with the right of private property, there is always a priority and prior right to subordinate all private property to the universal purpose of earthly goods and, therefore, the right of everyone to use them."
Reasoning about the nature of property is generally bizarre for a clergyman, but this is not so much the point. Pope Francis cannot but understand that with this statement he actually calls for breaking the commandment "do not steal". The affirmation of the RCC head means that if someone wants to eat, he can just go to the store and take it. If someone has nowhere to spend the night, he can go to any house and settle there. If someone thinks that he is poorer than another, then he can take and "fix" this situation. After all, "the principle of the common use of goods created for everyone is ‘the first principle of the entire ethical and social order’."
The affirmation of the RCC head means that if someone wants to eat, he can just go to the store and take it. If someone has nowhere to spend the night, he can go to any house and settle there. If someone thinks that he is poorer than another, then he can take and "fix" this situation.
Pope Francis says that migrants should enjoy the same benefits as native Europeans: “No one can remain disadvantaged, no matter where he was born <...> State borders cannot prevent this. Just as it is unacceptable for anyone to have less rights because of being female, it is also unacceptable that the place of birth or residence in itself would result in fewer opportunities for dignified life and development."
In other words, no matter whether you work or not, you can still use what someone else has earned. With these words, Pope Francis explicitly calls on migrants to take what they need regardless of ownership.
A lot of facts say that the vast majority of migrants from the Middle East do not work and do not want to work. They receive a fabulous, by the standards of their homeland, allowance and are very happy with it. Thus, it turns out that Europeans must work to support migrants. And Pope Francis legitimizes this state of affairs: "In fact, the activity of entrepreneurs ‘is a noble vocation aimed at creating wealth and improving the world for all.’ <…> In any case, these skills of entrepreneurs, which are a gift from God, should be clearly oriented towards the progress of others and overcoming disasters, especially through the creation of diverse employment opportunities."
The Pope demands to share the benefits with migrants and completely forgets the words of the Apostle Paul: "... if any would not work, neither should he eat" (2 Thess. 3, 10).
Yes, of course the rich should help the poor. But Pope Francis fails to understand that if you demand such help from the rich and at the same time do not put forward the condition for the poor that they, on their part, should also work for the benefit of themselves and society, then such help harms both sides. The rich lose their property, while the poor become dependents and parasites. It’s common knowledge that idleness is the mother of all vices. But the Pope demands to share the benefits with migrants and completely forgets the words of the Apostle Paul: "... if any would not work, neither should he eat" (2 Thess. 3, 10).
Pope Francis's call to enjoy material goods regardless of property rights is a revolution in relationships between people. But the head of the RCC goes even further: he claims that entire states with their territories and resources are the property of all inhabitants of the earth.
Here are his words: “The belief that goods on earth are common today requires that this also apply to countries, their territories and their resources. If we look at this not only from the point of view of the legality of private property and the rights of citizens of a particular nation, but also from the first principle of the general purpose of goods, then we can say that each country belongs to a foreigner like goods. The territory cannot be denied to a person in need who comes from another place."
What is this if not a direct appeal to the residents of Muslim countries, first of all, to come to Europe and take everything they need?
The fourth chapter of the encyclical is entirely devoted to the topic of migration. It is called: "Hearts open to the whole world." In this chapter, the Pope calls for facilitating migration without any conditions or restrictions. Here are his words: "Our efforts to bring migrants in can be summed up in four verbs: welcome, protect, promote and integrate." The encyclical does not say anything about local residents, Europeans, about their protection, social security, and meeting their interests. Everything – only to migrants.
In particular, Pope Francis urges to:
- “increase and simplify the issuance of visas;
- adopt private and public advocacy programs;
- open humanitarian corridors for the most vulnerable refugees;
- offer adequate and decent housing;
- guarantee personal safety and access to basic services;
- provide adequate consular assistance;
- ensure the right to always carry identity documents;
- provide for impartial access to justice;
- offer the possibility of opening bank accounts and guarantees of what is necessary for a vital existence;
- give them (migrants – Ed.) freedom of movement and the opportunity to work;
- protect minors and ensure their regular access to education;
- provide for temporary care or admission programs;
- guarantee freedom of religion;
- promote their social integration;
- foster family reunification and prepare local communities for integration processes.”
In the light of the aforesaid, Europeans should feed, dress, shoe, give them housing, provide them with transport and so on. Furthermore, they are supposed to do all this without demanding anything in return, even work. “Doing some things simply because they are good per se, not hoping to get any results, not expecting something in return. This allows you to welcome a foreigner, even if at the moment it does not yield tangible benefits,” says the Pope.
Pope, migrants and crime
Anyway, perhaps the migrants benefited in this way will be at least grateful? Maybe they will behave within the law and help their benefactors? Alas ... The facts suggest otherwise.
For example, in November 2019, in Sweden, famous for its liberality, Prime Minister Stefan Leuven, who is a liberal from the liberals, decided to publish statistics on the monstrous increase in violent crime and explained this by “integration failures”. The number of homicides by firearms has tripled since the early 2010s. And 90% of these crimes are committed by migrants. Migrants commit 23 times (!) more rapes than native citizens. And in Stockholm, Malmo and other large cities, entire districts have turned into ethnic ghettos, hubs of drug trafficking, prostitution, arms trafficking and other criminals, and where even the police are afraid to enter. These areas are run by Middle Eastern and North African criminal clans who are expanding their activities to other territories. In 2018, more than 160 explosions took place in Sweden, and even Denmark was forced to close the border with Sweden for the first time since the 1950s.
In Germany, migrants, who already make up 5% of all residents, commit more than 50% of sexual crimes. In 2017, an average of 13 German women was raped by migrants per day. On New Year's Eve 2016, about 1,000 migrants gathered in Cologne to “hunt” local women. 454 reports of sexual harassment and rape were filed with the police. In 2016, the German authorities acknowledged the fact that large cities in Germany are almost completely controlled by criminal clans of predominantly Lebanese, Palestinian and North African origins.
In Germany, migrants, who already make up 5% of all residents, commit more than 50% of sexual crimes.
The situation is similar in other European countries. All this does not even remotely resemble the wounded traveler from the parable of the good Samaritan. Nor the words of Holy Scripture relate to this situation altogether: “... loves a stranger and gives him bread and clothing. Love the stranger too, for you yourself were strangers in the land of Egypt ”(Deut. 10: 18-19). Using this and other Bible passages about grace to aliens is like deliberate profiteering. The behavior of migrants in European countries is more reminiscent of the invasions of the Philistines, Amalekites, Canaanites and other hostile peoples in the lands of Israel. What migrants do in Europe is more consistent with the words of the prophet Jeremiah: “People of Israel,” declares the LORD, “I am bringing a distant nation against you — an ancient and enduring nation, a people whose language you do not know, whose speech you do not understand. Their quivers are like an open grave; all of them are mighty warriors. They will devour your harvests and food, devour your sons and daughters; they will devour your flocks and herds, devour your vines and fig trees. With the sword they will destroy the fortified cities in which you trust” (Jer. 5: 15-17).
Muslim Europe is just a matter of time
True though, today migrants do not destroy “fortified cities” with the sword. But there is no need to. Today the demographic war is being fought with a different weapon. This was most clearly expressed by the late Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat: "The best weapon of the Palestinians is the womb of an Arab woman." A womb that bears many children.
Given the rapid decline in Europe's adherents of Christianity, we can say that the entire European continent will be ruled by Islam. What will happen then to Christian churches and shrines? The recent transformation of Hagia Sophia into a mosque and the desecration of the church of the Great Martyr George the Victorious in Greece speak volumes about nothing good.
As you know, the birth rate in the Muslim diaspora in Europe is 5-6 times higher than that of the native Europeans. A radical change in the demographic map of Europe is just a matter of time, and a very short time at that. Recently, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban said that in 30 years the population of Europe will be 20% Muslim, while in large cities Muslims will make up more than half of the population. And this is still a very optimistic scenario for Christians.
Given the rapid decline in Europe's adherents of Christianity, we can say that the entire European continent will be under the rule of Islam. What will happen then to Christian churches and shrines? The recent transformation of Hagia Sophia into a mosque and the desecration of the church of the Great Martyr George the Victorious in Greece speak volumes about nothing good.
The failure of the migrant policy and its disastrous consequences for Europe are already recognized by many political forces and social movements. But Pope Francis, with his encyclical Fratelli tutti, proposes not only not to halt the flow of migrants, but, on the contrary, to open the doors wide for them, thus committing a real demographic suicide in Europe.
The time will come when migrants will deplete resources in Western Europe and move to us. This will happen with almost one hundred percent probability.
As for Ukraine, we are faced up with a paradoxical situation: we feel good, because we feel bad. We are the poorest country in Europe (according to the World Bank for 2019) and therefore migrants are not coming to us. For the time being. They are much more comfortable in Germany, Sweden or the Netherlands.
But the time will come when they will deplete resources in Western Europe and move towards us. This will happen with almost one hundred percent probability, but Ukraine has a few more years or maybe decades to work out a countermeasure to this threat. One of the elements of such counteraction should be a competent migration policy, which should block the penetration of undesirable elements into Ukraine: criminals, militants, radical Islamists, and so on. There are also countries in Europe with very strict immigration laws. Their experience shows that it is much easier to prevent a disease than to cure it later.
We can learn the lessons of Western European countries in order to not to repeat their mistakes. However, the encyclical Fratelli tutti became obligatory for all Catholics after the Roman pontiff had put signed it. It will now largely determine the attitude towards migration of all supporters of the Vatican, including Ukrainian Greek Catholics. Everyone knows how great is the influence of the UGCC on the power structures in Ukraine and, accordingly, on the adoption of state decisions. And if there is a unification of the UGCC with the OCU, about which there are clear signals from both of these religious organizations, then the new structure will receive even more powerful leverage over political and social forces in Ukraine. It’s highly probable that the papal encyclical Fratelli tutti can be implemented in our country with all the ensuing consequences.
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