For intentional killing – nothing, for negligent homicide – prison

Embryo. Photo: Correspondent

He "noticed signs of fetal distress but did not change the delivery strategy to save the baby's life."

It’s noteworthy that in the same clinic (and likely in others as well), gynecologists regularly perform abortions, often as a routine procedure. In Ukraine, abortion is legal up to the 12th week of pregnancy, and later if there are medical indications. By this stage, the fetus already looks human – it has a face, ears, fingers on its hands and feet, and can hear, grimace, and even yawn.

And yet, with the mother's consent, the gynecologist kills such a child. The remains are discarded. And there is no accountability for this crime. But if the same mother decides, with the help of the same gynecologist, to give birth, and the child dies, the doctor goes to prison.

It turns out that committing an intentional killing leaves you "clean", but for negligent homicide, you go to prison. Such is the strange logic of our society.

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