On the "Old Calendar" opponents

Water blessing in the Jerusalem Church. Photo: rusdm

Notably, the Patriarchate of Constantinople was also in the same old calendarist league. While not as widespread, they nonetheless occurred. After the services, bishops, priests, and faithful proceeded to the sea, threw the cross, and blessed the waters.

Concurrently, none of them spoke about a "battle of dates", nor did they claim that celebrating Theophany on the 19th is a "Moscow tradition", or anything of the sort.

Actually, this is normal. Even though Churches currently follow different calendars, this is no reason for hostility, insults, or persecution of those who are "different".

Unfortunately, we Ukrainians live under constant pressure from politicians and "righteous" Christians who show little interest in the essence of a particular feast. What matters to them is "defeating the internal enemy", even if that enemy is entirely of their own making. You must pray in the "correct" language, in the "correct" confession, and now even on the "correct" date. Otherwise, you will never leave in peace.

One could be outraged by this, but it’s hardly worth it. In reality, these are unfortunate people who lack inner peace and are afflicted by a certain restlessness. They feel compelled to constantly fight someone, to defeat someone. And if, by some chance, they "run out" of UOC Christians, they will start battling and defeating each other. They simply cannot live otherwise and eventually may end up devouring each other, like in a poem below by B. Akunin:

"If you truly despise each other to the marrow of your bones,
if there’s nothing in common between you but malice and rage,
if your dreams are about crushing, tearing, and burning –
why not just devour each other?

Yes, that's right – take a bite!
Not metaphorically, but for real:
tear off a piece of flesh, rip open a throat,
drink the blood until you're satisfied.

And when you’ve gnawed each other to the bone,
and there’s nothing left to hate,
perhaps the earth will sigh with relief
and life will begin anew – without you."

Therefore, we should not be angry with them. We should pity them and pray for them.

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