The War on JD Vance

On March 9, activists surrounded Vance and his young daughter near their home, relentlessly shouting at them. Days later, attendees at a Kennedy Center concert booed the Vice President and his wife.
Meanwhile, leftist activists on X have turned unflattering images of Vance into viral memes. Some journalists posted bizarre articles obsessing over the trend -which Vance laughed off, even reposting his favorites.
During the campaign, Vance was labeled everything from too young and too extreme, anti-women and even anti-cat.
Vice President Vance and the movement which he represents offer hope for Americans who wish to see the country return to their Christian foundations and for sensible government which upholds traditional family values.
For this reason, he has become Public Enemy Number One in the eyes of the Globalist elite.
Traditional Values and the Post-Liberal Right
Vance's 2019 conversion to Catholicism has deeply influenced his approach to policy, aligning with his church's teachings on social justice, the sanctity of life, and the importance of community.
This can be seen in his 2020 essay "How I Joined the Resistance." the following is an excerpt:
“I felt desperate for a worldview that understood our bad behavior as simultaneously social and individual, structural and moral; that recognized that we are products of our environment; that we have a responsibility to change that environment, but that we are still moral beings with individual duties”
Vance's commitment to a traditional Christian worldview shapes his political vision, making him a natural ally for Orthodox Christians - and the natural enemy of the Globalists. Like many Orthodox Christians, Vance's worldview challenges a system that prioritizes profit over people, decadence and depravity over societal cohesion and healthy families.
Instead of positioning himself as another carbon copy of Ronald Reagan, Vance aligns himself with the emerging post-liberal right.
The post-liberal right is, at its core, a Christian movement. Contrary to the more mainstream forms of American Conservatism, the movement prioritizes culture and the role of faith, the need to care for the less-fortunate, and prioritizes national interests over those of multinational corporations and NGOs.
Knowing this, it should come as no surprise that Vice President Vance has become a prime target for multinational corporations and activist groups that benefit from an atomized society.
The Globalist Agenda and the War on the Family
Globalist elites—major financial firms, tech giants, and organizations like the World Economic Forum (WEF) —push for a world where traditional social structures are dismantled. A key element of this agenda is the destruction of the family.
A society without strong family bonds is easier to control—individuals are left seeking fulfillment in material consumption and digital distractions. The aggressive promotion of LGBT ideology, corporate-backed housing monopolies, and the erosion of privacy all serve to make people more dependent on the system. The WEF openly advocates for the atomization of society and the deprivation of human dignity.
Take for example, their ominously titled 2016 article, “Welcome to 2030: I Own Nothing, Have No Privacy, and Life Has Never Been Better.”
While the WEF states that it's not forcing such changes, and these are just predictions based on market trends, that’s clearly not the case.
Since the late 2010s, BlackRock and StateStreet have set up hundreds of subsidiaries to purchase as many of the homes coming onto the market as possible. By renting these homes, they prevent Americans from purchasing a home. Up to thirty percent of homes in major markets are now owned by corporations.
Likewise, while claiming they're not pushing us towards a society devoid of privacy, tech companies design apps with the maximum invasion of privacy possible. Much of this is hidden deep within the terms and conditions, which, mind you, are designed to manipulate the human mind into not reading them at all - though they'd require an entire day of nonstop reading if one tried.
So, while Globalists frame these changes as market trends, they're actively manipulating society to make them a reality.
But this agenda faces greater obstacles abroad, in more religious lands. This is why the Globalists are attacking Churches. Only by breaking the Church can they convert people to the Woke Agenda.
We see this in the direct involvement of the US State Department and USAID in the persecution of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC).
VP Vance's Opposition to Globalist Policies
Vance openly criticizes trends that undermine family life and the erosion of community - the very things which drive the profits of multinational conglomerates and NGOs.
Having grown up in an Ohio town whose factories were shipped overseas - diving the town into acute poverty, Vance is intimately familiar with the impact of Globalism on Americans.
He champions the return of manufacturing and other industries to revitalize communities and restore economic mobility. These, and similar policies, support American families, making it easier for young couples to start families - which most currently feel is impossible.
As a senator, Vance called out persecution of the UOC and the Ukrainian Parliament for considering (later passing) banning churches.
In Munich, he criticized the US funding of organizations subverting foreign governments, religious unity and fervor, and digital censorship. One memorable line was as follows:
"For years, we’ve been told that everything we fund and support is in the name of our shared democratic values. Everything from our Ukraine policy to digital censorship is billed as a defense of democracy, but when we see European courts canceling elections and senior officials threatening to cancel others, we ought to ask whether we’re holding ourselves to an appropriately high standard... We must do more than talk about democratic values. We must live them."
This speech sent shock waves through Europe, as Vance went right for the heart of European policy - a policy shaped, funded, and directed by previous American regimes.
Dawn of a New Era?
Until now, the Globalists believed that they could simply wait out Trump. Vance's rise to prominence was unexpected, twelve straight years of an "America first" agenda is something they didn't account for.
The victory of Trump and Vance has galvanized those who still dare to dream of Old Europe. Without the State Dept. and USAID propping up the Globalist agenda , the EU will struggle to suppress traditional Christian candidates and parties.
Vance represents a long-term realignment: a return to traditional values and a reaffirmation of Christianity’s role in society, and an end to the Globalist world order.
For the Globalists, nothing represents a greater threat to their success than Vance - more so, even, than Trump himself. As a result, we can expect they'll wage all out war on him until 2028.
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