Coronavirus – a programme to reset the human system?

Now we see the virus closing temples for believers and a beautiful life in Europe for the "Ukrainian elite". What conclusions should we draw? To fear or to trust God?
Today it seems that for the first time in the world history some high-ranking engineer from the descendants of Cain pressed the "reset" button using the coronavirus. He pressed it to reboot the civilization matrix to update its software. The latest version of this software will be called the “New World Order”.
And these aren't the author's conspiracy theories at all.
With the introduction of the new order, the rules of human society, from monetary operations (the WHO has already called to refuse from a cash turnover) to the humanitarian and religious sphere, can radically change. The sanitary dictatorship, which can now do everything “to save a human life”, is able to smoothly transfer into a religious-political dictatorship, a dictatorship of a new generation, where people will seek to obey it themselves, hoping that it will give them security.
We know that "who opposes and exalts himself against every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, proclaiming himself to be God” (2 Sol. 2-3) will rule the world at the end of time.
With the introduction of the new order, the rules of human society, from monetary operations to the humanitarian and religious sphere, can radically change.
Coronavirus control – a justified measure or the creation of an atmosphere of fear?
A frightened person is easy to manipulate. It is no accident that Gypsies, fortune-tellers, sectarians like hanging around hospitals and clinics because they know – when people are ill, they are afraid, and when they are afraid, they are easy to manipulate. The devil has always had one tactic – to master the soul through fear. Fear is what makes it possible to keep people on a short leash. And what could be better for that than fear of death and general panic?
And although the number of those infected and especially those killed by coronavirus is incomparably less than we know from the history of plague epidemics or cholera, the measures taken by many countries, get an ordinary person to fear for their life.
We do not know whether all these measures are really aimed solely at saving lives, or whether the rulers are driven by other motives. An example of some countries that act very differently in the context of a general panic is surprising. Sweden known for the highest standard of living addresses the coronavirus with Scandinavian calmness. Borders are open, no quarantine is introduced, even though for March 25, 3000 people were infected and more than 70 died from the virus. The figures are much higher than in Ukraine. The country's virologists explain it simply – Swedes have to get ill with coronavirus to develop a collective immunity.
Nevertheless, we see the overwhelming majority of states, as if by the will of one conductor, performing the same actions, among which for the first time in the history of the Church the suspension of the Liturgy simultaneously in a huge number of temples around the world. And this is much more terrifying than any epidemic. The value of the Eucharist is greater than the fear of death as much as the soul is more valuable than the body. If the Church does not allow Christians to receive communion with the Body and Blood of the Lord, then the meaning of its existence is lost.
we see the overwhelming majority of states, as if by the will of one conductor, performing the same actions, among which for the first time in the history of the Church the suspension of the Liturgy simultaneously in a huge number of temples around the world.
However, with the help of global mind pressure, they are trying to make us forget about it, to suggest that the main value is just our physical health, for which we can neglect the health of our souls.
And it is quite possible that the dynamics of integrating the values of the new world order will make a leap forward with the help of the coronavirus panic. Indeed, in recent years and decades, we can observe the consistent imposition of morality, in which there is no place for God, perverted family values, the establishment of a hedonistic consumer culture. In parallel, there is a transfer of financial, cultural, social and other forms of social life into a virtual digital space. This is how the shell of the new format of world civilization is created. We know from the Holy Scriptures where this will lead to and what will follow.
On the Ukrainian "mad richers"
During the reset, we can observe the collapse of the worldview of those who we call the "Ukrainian elite". We are talking about those corrupted officials for whom Europe was a kind of analogue of earthly paradise. They did the shopping in branded European boutiques, had a rest (from what?) In European resorts, taught their children in the best European schools, and finally, they were treated in European clinics. Many of them actually lived there, occasionally coming to the Verkhovna Rada meetings.
And so, finita la commedia. The borders are closed. They have to live with their people, sit in quarantine together and even (horror!) be treated in Ukrainian hospitals.
Europe no longer fulfills its role as the earthly "Heavenly Jerusalem". It turned out to be the same old lady for whom the coronavirus proved to be fatal. Where to find peace now if the soul is in the mud and money does not save from general death?
One can imagine what our country could be like if all the stolen money went to its development. Then, both these officials and other people could be treated not in dirty hospitals with falling off plaster but in clean, modern wards. And the ambulance would not go along bad roads, and the medical equipment would be at a different level. But now it's too late to dream about it. You hear the devil’s laughter behind the back of this "elite of the nation". After all, he used to whisper to it all the time: “Grab, grab more, expand the breadbasket. Then you tell your soul – eat, drink, have fun, you have a lot of good, you can live carelessly.”
The Gospel parable "On the Mad Richer" suddenly became a terrible reality for many embezzling rulers and officials. Well, "this is life" (C'est la vie), as the French say.
You and I should look at all the events that we have witnessed from a spiritual point of view. The fact that the mass death threat has become a reason for general panic and psychosis does not affect the fact that each of us lives and dies once. It makes no difference for us whether we die alone when others are prospering around us, or whether death will take us with many others. That doesn't change anything. It doesn't matter what happens around us, it matters what happens inside us. How ready are we to live every day like the last? How much do we believe in God's providence for our personal lives? What prevails in us: fear or trust in God? These are the trials that our soul is going through right now.
While the doctors give out express tests for coronavirus, God is testing our faith. And it would be comforting to get positive results from Him.