Scientific "duel" of two top theologians at the Holy Council in Crete

A scientific - theological "duel" took place during the discussion of the amendments to the text "The Mission of the Orthodox Church in the Modern World" between the two leading Orthodox theologians - Metropolitans John (Zizioulas) and Metropolitan Hierotheos (Vlachos), reports
On the occasion of the amendments tabled by the Church in the text "The Mission of the Orthodox Church in the Modern World," Bishop John of Pergamon and Bishop Hierotheos of Nefpaktos found the opportunity to make first dialogue on the subject of 'person "for which a lot of noise has been made recently. The two top theologians spoke extensively depositing everyone's arguments, to accept the precept of the Ecumenical Patriarch. Bartholomew, who congratulated them both for their contribution, also indicated as the most appropriate solution to continue the dialogue on scientific level.
In the dialogue of two prolific theologians intervened Patriarch Theodore of Alexandria, who asked to focus the debate on more practical issues.
For the record, two of the three amendments tabled by the Church accepted while the third, the one that relates to the topic discussed by the two theologians, although not passed, will be considered at academic level.
"The Mission of the Orthodox Church in the Modern World" is the first text that "locks" the Holy Synod with the final changes made by the Churches.