Primate of UOC: man must trust God more than anyone else of the people

His Beatitude Metropolitan Onufriy of Kyiv and All Ukraine in his homily on the day of All Saints called on the faithful to rely on God, as did those who reached holiness. This is reported by the Synodal Information and Enlightenment Department of the UOC.
His Beatitude, commenting on the Gospel reading of the day, said that it discovered the principle of holiness, and to achieve salvation and eternal life, every believer should follow it.
"What did devotees do to become holy? Lots of different talk about this, but of the basic principles of holiness we have heard from today's Holy Gospel: "He who loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy me "(Matt. 10:37). Sometimes people, reading these words, think that God is cruel. He says that you need to love only Him and no one else. But the Lord did not say not to love your father and mother, son and daughter, but said that you should love Him even more than a mother, a daughter, a son," said His Beatitude.
"Loyalty of a father, a mother, children, has a limit. It happens that the father can betray or in his weakness say some wrong word. And the mother can do so, and the children can insult us and betray. But God will never betray a person. Faithfulness of God has no limits," said His Beatitude.
"Man must trust God more than anyone else of the people. People need to listen to what God tells us. We must love and tolerate one another, we must pray for one another, be merciful and forgive each other," noted Metropolitan Onufriy.
His Beatitude said that each of us must ask ourselves: "How much do I trust God? Do I rely on Him in everything? Can I think that in some way God can betray me, and I will help myself better? We cannot help ourselves – if God does not help us, nobody will help us. And even if we receive assistance from people, it is God who gives them strength and mind to do so. We must entrust ourselves to God and firmly know that God will never betray a person. A man can betray God, but God never betrays a man," resumed Metropolitan Onufriy.