All-Ukrainian Council of Churches and Religious Organizations Secretariat: Draft Law №4128 empowers raiding

On 29 June 2016, at the regular session of the Secretariat of All-Ukrainian Church and Religious Organization Council, its participants, inter alia, discussed draft law №4128. It is reported by the Department of External Church Relations of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.
In the course of discussion the Deputy Chairman of the External Church Relations Department announced “it is about such change of the religious legislation which will give rise to a new wave of inter-denominational conflicts”.
In the Secretariat’s opinion, this draft law gives a carte blanche for the property seizure not only by representatives of other denominations, but even by atheist people in raiding. According to the Council’s members, approval of such draft law will lead to religious organizations losing control over its property in favor of the third persons having nothing to do with a given denomination.
The discussion ended up with a proposal to notify legislative bodies of the country about the concern All-Ukrainian Church and Religious Organization Council members have and to initiate additional hearings and consultations with the authors of this contradictory draft law.
It will be reminded that draft law №4128 involves amending the Law of Ukraine on “Freedom of Conscience and Religious Organizations” (with regard to changing jurisdiction by religious communities). This bill foresees granting the right of participation in changing jurisdiction of a religious community to individuals who are not fully-valued members of the religious community, but merely “identify themselves” with this religious community”.