In Kiev-Pechersk Lavra they held memorial church services to commemorate 2-year decease of Metropolitan Vladimir (Sabodan) (PHOTO)

On 5 July in Kiev dead-office was held to commemorate the deceased Metropolitan of Kiev and all Ukraine Vladimir (Sabodan). It is reported by the Lavra’s site.
In the Lavra’s Dormition Cathedral Liturgy for the dead was led by His Beatitude Metropolitan of Kiev and all Ukraine Onuphry. After reading the Gospel His Beatitude Vladiko addressed the parish with a sermon in which he told about self-giving service of the deceased Metropolitan Vladimir, about his life path, and difficult times he had to lead the Church.
“Serving of His Beatitude Metropolitan Vladimir was not easy but he always remained a faithful son of the Holy Orthodox Church”, said the Primate.
Speaking about the Church having led a human being at all times and ambiences towards salvation, Metropolitan Onuphry reminded that life is a period of time when man should prepare himself for eternal life.”His Beatitude Metropolitan Vladimir steered a steady course of this destination and service. He endured a lot, and thanks to his obedience, meekness, a sensible word, and a prayer was able to overcome all the trials. He is a role model for us in the way how we must care about our salvation», concluded the Metropolitan.
On finishing the Liturgy at the burial place of His Beatitude Metropolitan Vladimir, at the cemetery near the church of the Birth of Virgin Mary, there was held a memorial service. Afterwards a meal was served to commemorate the memory of the deceased, CDs were handed out with the film “His Beatitude Vladimir”, as well as memory photos of the deceased Primate.
It will be reminded His Beatitude Metropolitan Vladimir headed the Ukrainian Orthodox Church for 22 years. His name is associated with canonicity consolidation of our Church, rejuvenation of the church life, multiplication of parishes and monasteries.