Expert: the Pope strives for Eucharistic Dialogue between Protestants and Catholics

Famous Italian journalist and religious expert Sandro Magister affirms the Pope Francis is making a path towards full Eucharistic dialogue between Protestants and Catholics. It is reported by Sedmitsa.RU.
The journalist refers to an influential Jesuit journal “La Civilta Cattolica”, where the issue is discussed on the Pope’s advice to the Lutheran woman regarding the Communion.
The Pontiff does not offer a direct change of the Catholic doctrine, according to the article in “La Civilta Cattolica”, but makes a “little step forward”, compelling people to act in accordance with their own conscience. The interpretation of the Pope’s words, demonstrated by “La Civilta Cattolica” is particularly important in Magister’s opinion because all articles in this Jesuit journal get a prior approval of the Hole See.
In fact, as Magister points, the Pope personally “previews and edits in the articles what he finds most interesting before they get published.