Prosecutor General’s Office is requested to deal with political expert who wrote about crucifixion of Cross Procession participants

The publication of political expert Yuriy Romanenko on the necessity to crucify “Moscow priests” served as a handle to appeal to the Prosecutor General’s Office. Member of the Parliament Yevgeniy Murayev (photo below) requests the authority to take a look at Romanenko’s post in Facebook and, if necessary, to bring the political expert to justice for calling for the murder on grounds of religious intolerance.
“Either out of stupidity or (most likely) ill intention, such “experts” push Ukraine, among other things, towards religious war”, wrote the deputy on his page in Facebook. – “A direct implication of their work is aggressive church raiding, during which people’s heads remain miraculously safe. A direct implication of their work is an ever deepening split in the state and escalation of mutual hate among its citizens”.
According to Murayev, such individuals like Romanenko act as opinion leaders and shape more primitive minds to a particular standpoint and actions. In the case at hand – to massacre of the faithful.
“If the current authorities used their wits, these agitators would be brought to justice on a regular basis and rule of law would be drummed into their dumb heads”, concluded the MP.
Political expert and journalist Yuriy Romanenko in his post of 5 July declared that “Moscow priests are trying to organize a cross procession from the LDPR in the direction of Kiev. To be more precise, not the priests but the clergy-aided Kremlin. How should we act? First of all, we should broadcast at all channels that outside the front line all participants of the cross procession will be crucified. Secondly, to put crosses beforehand on the roadsides. The effect will be stunning”.