Father Superior of Holy Trinity Monastery of St. Daniel was killed in Pereyaslav-Zalesskiy

On 7th of July 2016 there was found a body of hegumen Daniel (Sokolov) in the Holy Trinity Monastery of St. Daniel with the signs of violent death. It is reported by Pravme.ru
“The father superior’s body was found after the morning service in his cell,” the diocesan press-service informed.
Condolences due to the death of Fr. Daniel were expressed by Metropolitan Panteleimon of Yaroslavl and Rostov and bishop Fiodor of Pereyaslav and Uglichi. “Father Daniel had an obedience to serve as a monastery’s superior, to give guidance to parishioners of his churches, to revive and build monastic life. He fulfilled this obedience with love and humbling,” underscored Met. Panteleimon.
Investigative authorities are establishing circumstances around the priest’s death and carrying out the procedures aimed at identifying the evil-doer.