“Public Advocacy” calls to stop media publications discrediting Cross Procession

NGO “Public Advocacy” , non-profitable non-governmental organization which activity is aimed at human rights defense, called to stop publications in mass media, discrediting the Cross Procession. It is reported by the organization’s site.
“Publications of mass media journalists which contain discrimination-ridden statements with regard to participants of All-Ukrainian Cross Procession, as well as unverified facts, violate the principles of journalist’s ethics, incite religious animosity, appear as infringement of the international law regulations, and prove disregard by such journalists for fundamental maxims of law,” the statement says.
“Undoubtedly, the state of Ukraine needs official law enforcement authorities to recognize as unacceptable and respond to such violations in the manner prescribed by law. Participants of All-Ukrainian Cross Procession, as well as persons, who believe distribution of unreliable and discrediting information to be violation of their rights, are entitled to use judicial defense, which response to the above-mentioned evidence will manifest honoring of justice principles in Ukraine,” underline human rights activists.
It will be reminded that on July 3rd All-Ukrainian Cross Procession of peace, love, and prayer for Ukraine started form the Holy Dormition Sviatogorsk Lavra, whilst on July 9th a devotional procession from the Holy Dormition Pochaev Lavra left from the opposite direction for both processions to meet in Kiev on July 27th.