Political expert: to attack the Church means to set yourself against historic religion of your own nation

To attach the Church is to counter Orthodoxy as a world outlook, in fact – a historic religion of your own nation. It was reported in the course of the program “The right to voice” by political analyst, expert of Kiev Center for Political Studies and Conflict Management Andrey Vidishenko.
“To attack the Church means to set yourself against Orthodoxy as a world outlook, in fact – a historic religion of your own nation. A similar attack on the part of radical groups in the Ukrainian politicum has undoubtedly anti-state aims owing to the fact that ethno-confessional peace is a pledge of statehood development in Ukraine,“ underlined the political expert.
“Orthodoxy has always fulfilled a state-defending function on our lands. By baptizing the Rus, St. Prince Vladimir foreordained our history. In many respects Orthodoxy as a world outlook plays and will play a key role in the historic genesis of both the Holy Rus and statehood on our lands. To forget about it is a crime for each true patriot of Ukraine from the moral-ethical, historic-cultural, social-political point of view,” he reported.