Political expert: persecuting the UOC means cutting off oxygen supply to the society

All-Ukrainian Cross Procession has demolished crucial stereotypes having been imposed on the Ukrainian general public over the last two years. It was reported during the program “The right to voice” by journalist Maxim Kostenko, according to Golos.ua.
“The All-Ukrainian Cross Procession has smashed the stereotypes which have been imposed on the Ukrainian nation for the last two years. The first stereotype concerned the representatives of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church who were commonly depicted as marginalized. Their lot is miserable and soon they will breathe their last, whereas the Kiev Patriarchate, on the contrary, is gaining momentum to prevail in all directions and indicators. The KP speaker published on his page in FB the data of the recent survey where it was pointed that 60% of the sociological studies are fabricated. 7 thousand KP parishioners, among whom most people were atmosphere players, looked just bleak against 100 thousand believers of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. These are incommensurable quantities,” affirmed journalist Maxim Kostenko.
He underscored that based on the outcome, one can say the UOC is “one of the fundamental pillars of the Ukrainian state.”
“The Church has support of its people. To fight against the Church, to try to destroy it means to cut our own throat. Our country is suffocating today from hatred, evil, wrong understanding and contradictions. Perhaps, the UOC is the only oxygen cylinder thanks to which our society will be still able to breathe. To exterminate it, persecute it, raid it – is merely to cut off fresh air supply to the people,” concluded Maxim Kostenko.