A bill on prohibition of same-sex conduct propaganda submitted to the Rada

MP from Oppobloc (Opposition Bloc) registered a bill on the protection of public morality and traditional family values in Ukraine.
The Verkhovna Rada is proposed to introduce administrative and criminal responsibility for the promotion of same-sex conduct, reports 112.ua. The author of the bill # 9183, registered on the site of the Rada on October 9, is a Parliamentarian from Oppoblok, a member of the Committee on European Integration Alexander Vilkul.
According to the explanatory note, the bill is aimed at protecting public morality, protecting the family and traditional family values, as well as strengthening social protection of families and children.
The document proposes to exclude from the Ukrainian legislation such terms as “gender identity”, “gender and legal expert evaluation”, as well as introduce fines for promoting same-sex sexual relations aimed at children. It is proposed to introduce criminal liability for the repeated commission of deliberate actions in order to promote same-sex relations aimed at the child.
In addition, according to the document, it is necessary to prohibit the importation, manufacture or distribution of works, including cinema product, promoting a same-sex relationship.
The bill also states an increase in assistance for the birth of a child. Vilkul, among other things, offers to pay parents in rural areas up to 30% of the amount for children’s nourishment in kindergartens and up to half of such amounts in urban areas.
At the moment, the bill has been submitted for consideration by the committees of the Verkhovna Rada.
Earlier on the website of the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko there was registered a petition No. 22/042484-eP with a request to take measures to stop the propaganda of homosexuality and protect traditional family values.