Head of UAOC: Today we have united three branches of Ukrainian Orthodoxy

The Lord gave the Ukrainians long-awaited unity, the head of the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church Epiphany said.
The head of the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church, Metropolitan Epiphany, who was elected at the “Unification Council”, declared that today three branches of Ukrainian Orthodoxy were united in the Single Local Orthodox Church.
“The Lord heard our requests and gave us a long-awaited unity,” Epiphany declared. “We managed to collectively overcome various temptations and unite into a single Church.”
Epiphany addressed the people gathered in Sophia’s Square with words of gratitude and also called them participants in this great historical event.
“You prayed here, and we felt this prayer support there. When we were walking down the street, we heard your voices of support. We were able to testify that we can unite, and we can create in Ukraine a single local Orthodox church by our common efforts,” the newly elected head of the UOALC said.
Also, Epiphany called on his fellows, bishops, all faithful to join the newly created single Ukrainian Orthodox Church.
“The doors of our church are open to all. We call on all to unite, we call on all to be in this recognized single local Ukrainian Orthodox Church,” Metropolitan Epiphany said.
We recall that only two UOC bishops, Metropolitan Simeon (Shostatsky) of Vinnitsa and Metropolitan Alexander (Drabinko), took part in the “Unification Council”. And only one of them, Metropolitan Simeon, is the head of the eparchy.
On December 15, at the “Unification Council”, “Bishop” Epiphany of the UOC KP was elected the head of the autocephalous Church in Ukraine.