Media: Met. Simeon "presents" himself building of eparchial administration

The transfer of the property complex of the Vinnitsa Eparchial Administration took place on the same day when the Synod of the UOC banned the metropolitan from ministry.
The deed of gift, according to which the organization “Administration of the Vinnitsa Eparchy of the UOC” transfers all its property to the community of the Transfiguration Cathedral of Vinnitsa, was made on December 17. Relevant documents were made available to the edition “”.
According to the documents, all the buildings of the Vinnitsa Eparchial Administration were donated to the community of the cathedral in the person of its leader – the former Vinnitsa bishop Metropolitan Simeon (Vladimir Shostatsky).
“And since the administration of the Vinnitsa eparchy of the UOC at that time was also controlled by Simeon, then it turns out that he donated the temples to himself,” the edition notes.
As the UOJ reported, on December 17, the Synod of the UOC banned Metropolitan Simeon from ministry after his participation in the “Unification Council”. Following the event, a new security guard was posted at the Vinnitsa Cathedral and "Metropolitan" Epiphany started to be commemorated during the service.
On December 28, the metropolitan appealed to the Vinnitsa city court of the Vinnitsa region with a statement of claim to be reinstated as the ruling bishop of the Vinnitsa eparchy so that his “human qualities” would not be “questioned”. Simeon also obtained in court a ban on all subjects of state registration to make changes to the documents for the leadership of church organizations regarding the Vinnitsa eparchy of the UOC.