Bp. Irinej of Bačka: Difference between Church and schism mustn’t be erased

The statement of the Synod of the Serbian Church says nothing about breaking communion with Constantinople, it only points to the canonical norm.
It is impossible to put in one row the legitimate heirs of the holy apostles and impostors, the essential difference between the Church and schism mustn’t be erased. This point of view was expressed by the hierarch of the Serbian Orthodox Church, Bishop Irinej of Bačka in his explanatory comments on the statement of the Serbian Orthodox Church regarding the church crisis in Ukraine.
According to the bishop, the situation in Ukraine has put world Orthodoxy face to face with a serious challenge.
“If the Local Orthodox Churches cope with the expected pressure and remain at the same position not to acknowledge Denisenko, Dumenko, and their supporters, this will mean, in practice, general agreement with the principled position of our Church,” the bishop states. “If any Church fails, it will inevitably lead to ... the beginning of a great turmoil, with an ever more fragile unity, even within the same Local Church. This will be a prelude to long-term canonical chaos, and, perhaps, God forbid, to dogmatic, ecclesiological disagreements and disputes.”
The hierarch also commented on the current relations of the Serbian Church with the Patriarch of Constantinople: “Some have wondered if our Church breaks communication with the Ecumenical Patriarch because of his concelebration with Epiphany, a man without the grace of the bishop, referring to his rights and privileges of primacy, overlooking – temporarily, I hope, – the word of Christ, that in the Church the first is the one who wants to be a servant for all.”
Bp. Irinej notes that the statement says nothing about breaking communion with Constantinople. Communion is easily broken he says, but it’s not so easily repaired. “In the face of such challenges and temptations, we should not act hastily, but with reasoning, in the hope that the grace of the Holy Spirit will soon heal our weakness,” the Serbian hierarch writes.
The Serbian Church points to this canonical norm, but without applying it in full for now: “Our Holy Synod … calls for its application, but without haste … doing everything possible so that the Lord would return the gracious gift of unity to the Church.” Therefore, it is recommended, but not required, that Serbian hierarchs and clergy abstain from serving with those who have communion with the schismatics. Such a heavy decision as breaking communion can only be made by the Council of Bishops, not the Holy Synod, in the Serbian Orthodox Church.
As the UOJ reported, the Serbian Patriarchate sent out letters to all the Local Churches that the Serbian Orthodox Church does not recognize the OCU and considers the Phanar’s actions in Ukraine to be non-canonical.