OCU “hierarch”: Decision on UOC KP dissolution – a worthless piece of paper

"Metropolitan" Joasaph (Shibaev) of Belgorod and Oboyan argues that the decision to liquidate the UOC KP was made in violation of legislative norms.
There was no “Bishops' Council” with the necessary procedure for the liquidation of the Kiev Patriarchate, wrote the OCU “hierarch” Joasaph (Shibaev) on his Facebook page.
“In the Warm Sophia, before the Unification Council, they brought a ready resolution on liquidation, read it out and said that the Greeks would not start the Council until they received a decision on the liquidation of the UOC KP. Who agrees? Unanimously. Signatures were collected right on the central analogion of the temple. There was neither the Presidium of the Council nor the counting commission, nor the mandate commission, nor the editorial board, nor the secretariat, no one chaired, no one wrote the protocol of the Council, no one counted the votes. Is it possible in such an important and responsible matter to show such disregard for the legislative norms?” said Shibaev.
He stressed that the Liquidation Commission, elected by the Bishops' Council or the Local Council, should deal with the liquidation of the UOC KP as a legal entity.
“For this, a certain period is established. Only after it is expired, a legal entity is removed from registration. All decisions of the Liquidation Commission are documented in the form of protocols or acts. None of this, of course, was done. Therefore, the “decision, resolution on the liquidation or self-dissolution of the Kiev Patriarchate” can be called a worthless piece of paper,” the hierarch concluded.
As the UOJ reported, on May 14, 2019, the “Honorable Patriarch” of the OCU Filaret Denisenko published on the website of the Kiev Patriarchate an official address “to the entire Ukrainian Orthodox flock”, in which he once again stressed: the Kiev Patriarchate does not need to be restored, because it still exists. As evidence, the “patriarch” reminded: the UOC KP is still registered with the state authorities of Ukraine.
Later, the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine confirmed that the decision to terminate the activities of the UOC KP was not filed with the state registration bodies. Consequently, the Kiev Patriarchate continues to exist, as does the UAOC, which also has not yet been eliminated in the State Register.