Patriarch Bartholomew: Poroshenko created the Church not for himself only

Metropolitan Emmanuel read a congratulatory message from the head of Phanar, in which Petro Poroshenko was named President of Ukraine.
On the anniversary of the "Unification Council" of the OCU, the head of Phanar, Patriarch Bartholomew, addressed a congratulatory message to the OCU and its parish, in which he particularly noted Poroshenko's role in the creation of this structure. It was read out on December 15, 2019 by Metropolitan Emmanuel of Gaul at St. Michael's Cathedral after the end of the liturgy of the OCU. The event was broadcast by Channel 5.
“Honorable President Petro Poroshenko, Eminencies and God-Fearing Hierarchs,” the head of Phanar began his message. “Exactly a year ago, the heart of each of us was pounding in the rhythm of anxirty, hope, history. The heart of each of us was beating in the hope of a great miracle. And the Lord let us witness it – witnesses a miracle, called the OCU.
Patriarch Bartholomew believes that in "this venture" of uniting the UOC-KP and the UAOC, "temptation counteracted the will of the Lord" and, according to the head of Phanar, Christ eventually won.
Patriarch Bartholomew recalled that everyone was invited to the OCU, but "as the Gospel says – someone has come and someone is being expected to come", and also said that in the OCU case he "raised this cross and still remains on Golgotha, as the Church tells him."
In particular, the head of Phanar noted the role of Petro Poroshenko, who "like nobody else has made efforts for the Church." However, as Patriarch Bartholomew is convinced, Poroshenko “did not do this to secure the Church only for himself. He did this in order for Ukraine to have a single united Church that would not be afraid to work for the benefit of people without outside intervention."
"And if we remember the words of the Apostle Paul, he who was to be elected the primate was elected," Metropolitan Emmanuel finalized the message of the head of Phanar.
It should be reminded that a year ago, on December 15, 2018, the “Unification Council” of the OCU was held, presided by Petro Poroshenko.