Odessa sectarian launches information war against Orthodox priest

The odious resident of Odessa, who had pursued a number of journalists who told the truth about his activities, waged war against the famous preacher Fr. Georgy Maximov.
The famous Orthodox missionary, theologian and preacher Fr. Georgy Maximov (ROC) spoke about the information war launched by the Odessa sectarian, founder and head of the Venice School Academy of Applied Sciences, “king” and “spiritual teacher” Oleg Maltsev.
“As I said earlier, for several weeks an attack has already been launched against me from the Odessa sectarian Oleg Maltsev. This attack is coming from several sides <...>,” Fr. Georgy said on his YouTube channel. “They managed to get my primary Facebook account deleted. And secondly, they created a fake page on my behalf, which they now run. They subscribe as many people as possible there. And I am convinced that all this will be used for some kind of dirty provocation against me.”
Fr. Georgy drew the attention of believers that now he does not have a Facebook account and reported the address of the fake page created by the followers of Maltsev.
"I don't have a Facebook page right now! The address of my deleted page was: www.facebook.com/yurij.maximov. The address of the Facebook page created by the sectarians was: www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100001367364191," he wrote under his video message.
A few months earlier, the clergyman had published on his channel a video material "How a sect pursues a sectarian" about how Maltsev and his adepts pursue the expert on destructive cults and training, PhD in Psychology Alexander Neveev.
In 2014, Neveev published a series of revealing materials about the destructive activities of Maltsev.
“Since then, strange things have begun to happen in my life: they either called from different phones or sent offensive and slanderous videos about me to my subscribers on social networks, or they painted the entrance. Finally, in 2016, someone sets fire to the car of my current ex-wife” the suffered expert said back in February 2019 in the article "Sectarian methods of Oleg Maltsev”.
He said that he deliberately did not respond to attempts to intimidate him but decided to report everything after he saw that Google had stopped indexing some of his materials about Maltsev.
Neveev is not the only object of interest to the Odessa sectarian. Later, the Odessa journalist Maria Kovaleva with her colleague Viacheslav Kasim, the journalist of the “Third Digital” Dmitry Mikhailenko and the journalist of “Dumskaya TV” Dmitry Bakayev, who had published their investigations about the sectarian’s activities earlier, came into the view of Maltsev and his followers.
To fight them, Maltsev and his followers used the same methods as against Neveev: from the same fake resources, “Kirill Damansky” and “Istinnoe Pravoslavie” sent complaints, after which their accounts on Youtube and Facebook were banned. The journalists also became subject to slanderous articles written by followers of Maltsev.
After such an information attack in 2018, the journalists were forced to turn for help to the former head of the Odessa Regional State Administration Mikhail Saakashvili with a request “to study the possibility of suppressing his (the cult of Maltsev – Ed.) activities in Odessa”.
Freed from the influence of the sect and living in France, Maria Kapar, whose story about the Maltsev’s methods was published by the “Dumskaya TV” online edition, was also persecuted more sophisticatedly: on her behalf, they correspond with men on dating sites from week to month and invite them “to pay a visit”, placing ads with the phones and address of her French relatives.
“These are not just hooligan actions, these are cyber crimes against French citizens, first of all. <...> At weekends we have to stay over the night with her husband’s mother, who is 87years old, or with Vincent’s sister, a cancer patient, in order to meet unexpected guests,” Maria shared with the public.
She said that she regularly called the police, which recorded negotiations between visiting men and Maltsev’s sectarians on Skype. However, the matter is complicated by the fact that adherents of Maltsev act from the territory of Ukraine.
Maltsev himself posted a workshop recording on YouTube where he teaches his followers how to achieve power. As an example, the sectarian speaks about the secret of the influence of criminal authorities.
“Until you learn to respect what is behind you – that is until you learn to love and respect it – then you won’t see any power. It is useless,” he explained.
To refute the fact of sectarian activity, adherents of the “Venice School of the Academy of Applied Sciences” created by Maltsev posted a Wikipedia article about him, which stated that Oleg Maltsev was allegedly persecuted for criticizing the Russian Orthodox Church.