Greek theologian: Captive of Turks and USA to determine the path of Church?

Theologian Panagiotis Katramados explained the consequences of the church problem in Ukraine caused by the anti-canonical actions of Patriarch Bartholomew for Greece.
The Ukrainian problem concerns everyone, because through it power was given to Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople who has replaced with himself the Ecumenical Council, who is “a captive of the Turks and the USA,” and whoever controls Pat. Bartholomew will be able to control the entire Church. This is stated in an article by the Greek theologian Panagiotis Katramados, which was translated by the labor of the brotherhood of the cell of St. Modest on Mount Athos and published by portal.
The theologian pointed out a number of implications of the anti-canonical actions of Patriarch Bartholomew he has committed in Ukraine:
1. Henceforth, Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople overrules the decisions of other Churches, even if he himself signed them.
“In the case of Ukrainians, Constantinople not only unilaterally canceled the agreement concluded with the Moscow Patriarchate, but also completely revoked the signatures he had put after the conviction and anathematization of the schismatics,” he explained. “Thus, recognizing the non-existent privileges of the patriarch, the Hellas hierarchy recognizes that at any time it is possible to completely abolish the Hellenic Church and overturn its decisions. Isn’t it the beginning of what is happening now in the Cretan Church, where there is a clear overhaul of its statutory Charter? In Kolymbari, the patriarch gave his word that he would not ask for new lands. If he withdraws his signature on the documents, will it be difficult for him to disavow his oral obligations?”
2. The patriarch at any time intervenes in the jurisdiction of any territory that he considers to belong to him.
“If, after 300 years, he said that he would again take (at will) Ukraine under his jurisdiction, what will happen if he says that all of Oykumen once belonged to Phanar? Remember how he said that Qatar belongs to him? Is it necessary to tell the whole story about the ‘transfer’ (!) of Africa to the Patriarchate of Alexandria?" noted the theologian.
3. The patriarch will justify or condemn anyone he wishes on charges of any canonical or moral misconduct with just one signature.
“If he reinstated the pseudo-patriarch of Kiev Filaret, who was not only condemned both for schism and for moral crimes, but also – the most scandalous thing – retains his dignity even after leaving the Ukrainian pseudo-church (!), then it means that there are no measures here – moral, canonical or logical – the only criterion being the degree of obligingness for Patriarch Bartholomew! By the way, he also restored Makariy Maletich (head of the former UAOC – Ed.), who had never asked for this!” he emphasized.
4. The patriarch will determine who has the priesthood and who does not regardless of the canonical ordination.
“Despite the evidence that both schismatic groups that made up the new structure, Filaret Denisenko and Makariy Maletich, are composed of bishops who are not just defrocked but never ordained, the patriarch considers them all to have the Holy Spirit! It is possible to reinstate in the same way all the Greek Orthodox old-style churches of Greece overnight if they, of course, declare their full obedience to him! ”
5. The patriarch will make decisions on behalf of the whole Church without asking anyone.
“Since the Greek Church granted him the privilege to give and cancel autocephaly, then he will decide which Church is worthy to exist and which is not,” the scholar explained. “The most tragic thing is that the Church of Greece recognized this non-existent superiority despite the fact that he had neglected it even before the decision and also after it, when he sent the delegation not for the meeting but for only notification. Such self-destruction of the Church of Greece occurred only under the current archbishop and current metropolitans. In the subsequent case, with respect to the schismatics of Skopje, after the current adventure ends, he will make a decision without requesting the Greek Church or other Greek-speaking Churches and even the nearby metropolises. I’m not even talking about the Serbian Patriarchate ..."
6. The patriarch himself will decide whether to convene a pan-Orthodox Council or not.
“From the very beginning, as the Ukrainian problem arose, all Churches were inclined to believe that a pan-Orthodox Council is needed to prevent conflicts. Even such a promising meeting in Cyprus of the three Ancient Patriarchates was canceled, because, as stated by the Cypriot Primate, "the Ecumenical Patriarch was not willing". It cancels the desires of the primates, cancels the will of the patriarchs, cancels the recently filed request of the four metropolitans of the Church of Greece, and cancels everything! Thus, Orthodoxy is bound by the will of one person only because our hierarchs do not have elementary logic to look a little further than their personal interests. If suddenly another problem appears tomorrow, everyone will wait for the solution of Constantinople, even if this is a grave problem similar to the Ukrainian crisis today,” he added.
7. All Churches will need to coordinate with him any decision of theirs.
“This was unthinkable until now, but it became a reality when, for example, the Patriarch of Alexandria, who had repeatedly spoke out in support of the canonical Kiev Metropolitan Onuphry in public, turned 180 degrees! If a person retreats, even at such personal costs, since Alexandria has now lost its authority, this means that there will be "levers" to be used in each subsequent case. Was the statement made by Patriarch Bartholomew a few months ago that “there will be recognition of the Greek Church first” (of the OCU - Ed.) or was everything settled with the Archbishop of Athens, who runs the entire hierarchy? ”
Pointing out all these problems, Panagiotis Katramados emphasized that in this way, “Orthodoxy has reached an impasse: the one who controls the Patriarch of Phanar will be able to lead the whole Church through him!”
“The captive of the Turks and the USA will determine the course of the Church, since the Greek shepherds themselves, without conditions and resistance (!), gave him the helm. The course towards a pseudo-union with the papists is already a fact, since in Kiev the Kiev pseudo-metropolitan Epiphanius served on October 14, 2019 with the papal clergyman. We replaced the Ecumenical Council with the Patriarch of Constantinople, and this led to disastrous consequences. Therefore, the Ukrainian problem concerns everyone, because through it and in the name of nationalism, "all power in heaven and on earth" was given to the enslaved patriarch, who will make decisions for everyone and on behalf of the Church in relation to apostolic succession, jurisdiction, application or non-application of the principle of conciliarity, justification of terrible lawlessness, etc. and at any time will even review the decisions he has only recently made! But our Lord Jesus Christ will fulfill His prophecy: "Behold, your house is left to you desolate!" (Luke 13:35), concluded the theologian.
As reported by the UOJ, Phanar called Patriarch Bartholomew as the "master and leader" of the Church.