Novinsky: Now is a unique time to end this senseless war

Everybody should consolidate around a common concern, stressed Verkhovna Rada MP Vadim Novinsky.
Now is a unique time when one should stop all disputes and finally put an end to the senseless war in eastern Ukraine, MP Vadim Novinsky said about is in his comment to "1Kozak”.
In times of common danger, which is now the coronavirus pandemic, the Ukrainian people have always shown their togetherness, the parliamentarian noted.
“Each of us must consolidate and do their bit so that we can curb this virus jointly. Otherwise, it will be difficult for us. <...> We all as one must work to overcome this pandemic and then the consequences of this pandemic,” he said.
Mr. Novinsky stressed that consolidation should occur at all levels of government and business; however, in Ukraine "we only see every party hogging the cover."
“Forget about all your ratings! he called. “Think about the country! Soon, if things go on like this, the consequences of the pandemic will be very dire.”
The deputy noted that it is now extremely important to redistribute funding in favor of the Ministry of Health and material assistance to doctors. After all, “There is an expense item for the Maidan Museum. Is it very important now? No one has cut down on military spending, the expenditures on this senseless war that is going on in the southeast.”
“Now we need to put a stop to all disputes, for even the UN Secretary-General urged to end all small or large regional conflicts, all wars. Now is a unique time to finally put an end to this senseless war in the southeast, to establish peace and lend a helping hand to Ukrainians. The politicians say that it is necessary to win the hearts of Ukrainians – so do it, now this is a unique opportunity. But for some reason we don’t see any real actions,” added Vadim Novinsky.
As reported by the UOJ, Novinsky’s Foundation donated assistance to 6 regions of Ukraine in the fight against COVID-19.