Government announces safety clampdown over quarantine period

The Government intends to toughen current security measures, including banning religious events with more than 10 people.
On April 1, 2020, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine announced its intention to intensify preventive measures during the coronavirus quarantine.
“In order to curb the coronavirus epidemic, it is proposed to introduce an effective combination of preventive non-pharmacological measures, including: home isolation, social distance for people over 60 years of age, restrictions in visiting parks and recreation areas, etc.,” the Government portal cited the words of Minister of Health of Ukraine Maxim Stepanov.
For the quarantine period scheduled to end on April 24, 2020, the following activities are to be banned throughout the territory of Ukraine:
1) any mass (religious, cultural, social, entertaining, sports, advertising and other) events in which are attended by more than 10 people (except for cases when it’s necessary to ensure the work of state and local authorities)
2) visiting public places without a medical mask or respirator;
3) to travel in groups of more than 2 people, except for cases of accompanying children or service exigency;
4) for persons under 16 years of age – to visit public places unaccompanied by adults;
5) visiting squares, parks, recreation areas, coastal and forest park zones (except for walking pets by 1 person or when dictated by official exigency);
6) attending sports and playgrounds.
Human Rights Commissioner of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Liudmila Denisova and the line ministries and departments will make their proposals regarding these innovations. Based on these proposals, the Cabinet of Ministers will elaborate a new version of Resolution No. 211 “On preventing the spread of COVID-19 acute respiratory disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus” in Ukraine.
Earlier, the Cabinet of Ministers prolonged the coronavirus quarantine until April 24.