Composer calls to defend Lavra from "mouse interests of politicians"

Vladimir Bystriakov asked all those who believe that there is God and His judgment to sign a petition in defence of the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra.
God has no nationality and no "patriotic" traits, which some Ukrainian politicians, who are again "intriguing" around the Holy Dormition Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra, try to impose on Him today, said the composer, Honored Artist of Ukraine Vladimir Bystriakov in his video message published on the "1Kozak" YouTube channel on July 10, 2020.
"Once again there are petty intrigues around our thousand-year-old shrine, around our Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra," he said. “It looks so unworthy against the background of our terrible, terrifying life. There are politicians who try to wrap our Lord in a yellow-and-blue flag and make us shout 'Glory to Ukraine'. But God has no nationality, does not have those "patriotic" traits that they are trying to impose on him today.
Bystriakov appealed to Ukrainian politicians who continue to interfere in the life of the Church: "You have got into the holiest, that is the matters of faith. I understand that you have your own small, mouse interests. <...> Well, then what? And then there's Judgment. God's Judgment is not your administrative and economic court or any other court, which usually ends with parole and financial deals. Have you thought of that?"
He stressed that politicians get into the holiest for people – faith, "in what is the basis of human consciousness, the basis of man as such", and squeeze out of Ukraine "all the juices, all the most wonderful things that are in people, putting everything for the needs of their enormous appetites. This is silly".
"Today I call on all people who are friends with faith, who are true people inside themselves – I will not say "Christians", "Muslims", "Jews" – those who believe that there is the Lord, there is God's Judgment. I urge you to stand up for this part of our consciousness, our soul, for our Laura and sign a petition to defend the Laura from passing into the hands of politicians, into the hands of those people who want to make more money, political dividends and do not think about faith at all. Think about your soul," Vladimir Bystriakov appealed to Ukrainians.
Earlier, a step-by-step instructional video on how to vote for the Lavra petition was published on the Web. You can sign the petition here.