OCU activist who seized church in Trebukhiv calls Bible "rubbish"

OCU follower Yaroslav Bondarenko said that the Bible and Orthodox prayer books found in the seized church will be destroyed.
Yaroslav Bondarenko, one of the activists of the OCU in Trebukhiv, who seized the Intercession Church of the UOC, called the Bible and Orthodox prayer books found in the church "rubbish", which will be "utilized". Bondarenko said this in a video posted on his Facebook page.
"There's rubbish found here," Bondarenko said, showing the Bible to the camera. “I think we will give this book to Bohdana (Dratch, a member of the Brovary City Council – Ed.) and she will utilize it.
Bondarenko also demonstrated a stack of Orthodox prayer books with canons and the sequence to Communion.
"Here the girls found the Katsap manuals. It's also absolute rubbish," the activist said.

In another video, Bondarenko repeatedly called the Bible "Katsap trash". He promised to throw the prayer books in the rubbish bin. MP Bohdana Drach demonstrated that the Bible was published in Moscow in 2009, which, in her opinion, unequivocally proved the UOC's connection with Russia.
In the third video, Bondarenko and Tkach threw a Bible and prayer books into a children's car belonging to the child of the rector of the Intercession Church and said, "Let this Mercedes follow the Russian ship."
As reported, raiders seized the Intercession Church of the UOC in Trebukhiv.