UCU call to change Constitution for power decentralisation

The Catholic University believes that Ukraine needs a change in the system of government.
The Ukrainian Catholic University, which belongs to the UGCC, has published a manifesto calling to change the Constitution of Ukraine. The text is posted on the UCU website.
The signatories believe that the existing system of power of the unitary state of Ukraine after the war should be changed towards decentralization.
The authors write that "real power has been concentrated in the hands of oligarchs and other shadow puppeteers, in the Office of the President and in the hands of the central government in Kyiv, although some important achievements of decentralization should not be overlooked. The text calls this "excessive concentration of power" and explains it by "a perception of power inherited by Ukrainians from totalitarian times".
According to the text, the new Constitution will give Ukrainians "a sense of unity, not overwhelming diversity, and a national identity based on something more than resistance to a common enemy.