Judge doesn’t issue a ruling on detention of Lavra abbot to lawyer

Metropolitan Pavel's defence lawyer was forced to wait 5 hours in a row for a ruling under the office of judge Viktoriya Zhovnovatiuk.
The judge of the Solomyansky District Court of Kyiv, Viktoriya Zhovnovatiuk, by whose decision Metropolitan Pavel, the abbot of the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra, was placed in a pre-trial detention centre, refused to announce and provide the bishop's defence with the full text of the ruling on tightening his preventive measure, reports the lawyer of the Metropolitan, Archpriest Nikita Chekman, on his Telegram-channel.
Judge Zhovnovatiuk was obliged to announce the ruling on 18 July 2023 at 16:00, but she has not done so yet, citing her busy schedule.
Oleh Povaliaev, one of Met. Pavel's defence lawyers, arrived at the court premises at 15:45 and had to wait for five hours in vain under the judge's office. Zhovnovatiuk said that the wait could last until midnight, but the working day in the court ended at 18:00, and at 20:20 the guards demanded that the lawyer leave the room.
Vladyka Pavel's defenders note that because of such actions of the judge, they cannot appeal her verdict in the court of appeal. Father Nikita Chekman said that in connection with this, the bishop's lawyers are preparing applications and complaints to the High Council of Justice.
As reported, on 14 July 2023, Judge Zhovnovatiuk granted the motion of the Prosecutor's Office and changed Metropolitan Pavel's preventive measure from 24-hour house arrest to detention with the possibility of bail in the amount of 33 million 330 thousand hryvnias.
Earlier, the judge and clerical staff of the Solomyansky Court prevented the consideration of Metropolitan Pavel's appeal against the decision of this court to extend his 24-hour house arrest by not providing the Court of Appeal with the case materials.