Carlson: If church leader allows persecution of brethren, he isn’t Christian

The former FoxNews broadcaster spoke about a "self-proclaimed Christian leader" who in a conversation with him supported the persecution of priests in Ukraine.
American journalist Tucker Carlson said that any church leader has a responsibility to say something in support of Christians who are being persecuted for their views, and whoever approves of it is not a Christian. He said this at a speech in the state of Florida, published on Carlson's YouTube channel.
The journalist also recounted his conversation with one "self-proclaimed Christian leader". Carlson asked him what he thought about the arrests of clergy and raiding nunneries in Ukraine.
"I asked a self-proclaimed Christian leader about that (persecution of the clergy – Ed.), and I said, ‘What do you think as someone who’s spent his life advocating for religious freedom about raiding nunneries and throwing priests in jail?' And he said with a straight face, “Well, they, you know, had the wrong views. What? Oh, I'm sorry, I just didn't realize where that boundaries were," the journalist said.
Carlson also believes that those who call themselves "Christian leaders" have a responsibility to speak out when Christians are imprisoned.
"I said: 'Well, don’t you think as a Christian leader you should say something when Christian clergy are imprisoned for their views'?" He said: ‘No. How dare you say that?’ And this person was joined by a chorus of people on the right, ‘Yeah, shut up, shut up… it’s bigoted to notice the Christian clergy are being imprisoned in Ukraine.’ And my view would be if you are a Christian leader, and Christians are going to jail for their views, you are required to say something. And if you don't, you are not much of a Christian leader," he added.
As reported, the American journalist said that the Ukrainian authorities' persecution of the UOC is a barbaric thing.