Abp Chrysostomos: Those who refuse to concelebrate with me will be punished

The Primate of the Church of Cyprus believes that though the Synod was divided over the OCU issue, there is neither crisis nor schism in the Cyprus Church.
The Primate of the Orthodox Church of Cyprus, Archbishop Chrysostomos, said in an interview with the Cyprus TV and Radio Broadcasting Company "RIK" that the hierarchs who disagree with his decision to commemorate Dumenko cannot refuse to concelebrate with the Primate. Otherwise, they may be punished by defrocking, Orthodox Times reports.
“We all concelebrate the Divine Liturgy a few times a year during festivities. If I invite them to concelebrate the Divine Liturgy with me, they cannot refuse to do so. When I invite them, they cannot come only if they get sick,” the archbishop said and added that if they choose not to attend, they will be punished. According to him, “The punishments provided for range from reprimand to defrocking. We cannot do what we want within the Church of Cyprus."
Also, Archbishop Chrysostomos said that after the meeting of the Holy Synod, where the opinions of the bishops about his commemoration of Sergei Dumenko were divided almost equally, there was neither crisis nor schism.
“There is no schism within the Church of Cyprus. No crisis. This stance of arbitrariness will fade away. I won’t let them get away with this,” warned the Cypriot Primate.
As a reminder, on November 25, 2020, Metropolitan Nikiforos of Kykkos and Tilliria of the Orthodox Church of Cyprus said that the decision taken by the Holy Synod to support the position of Archbishop Chrysostomos is not necessary, since it is a "matter of faith". He emphasized that during the Synod, "differences were recorded", and the final result was 10 against 7 (with one abstaining).