Legal Department comments on SBU’s bill on the liquidation of denominations

The SBU said that the draft law on the liquidation of denominations was initiated to realise personal interests and incite inter-religious hatred.
Initiated by the SBU draft law No. 10126 on the liquidation of religious organisations does not comply with international law, the Constitution of Ukraine, as well as aimed at discrimination against Ukrainians and a ban on a part of Ukrainian society. The corresponding statement was published by the Legal Department of the UOC.
They noted that the bill №10126 will contribute to the incitement of inter-religious hatred and divide the citizens of Ukraine on religious grounds, and its appearance was due to the pursuit of personal interests.
The Legal Department also explained that the initiators of the bill themselves justified the importance of its adoption by the need to liquidate the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.
In addition, the UOC recalled that the text of the bill provides for the prohibition of denominations whose representatives are not in the status of accused or convicted, but even in the status of suspects.
According to lawyers, the authors of the document do not adhere to the provisions of the fundamental law during legislative activities.
"In this context, it is necessary to remind all lawmakers of the provisions of Article 62 of the Constitution of Ukraine, according to which a person is considered innocent of committing an offence and cannot be subjected to criminal punishment until his guilt is legally proven," the Legal Department said.
As reported, the United Nations recognized the actions of the authorities towards the UOC as a violation of human rights.