“Patriotic” posters with Dumenko appear in Kyiv

In the Kyiv centre, a large number of advertising boards with an appeal to “pray in the native language” have appeared.
Kyiv is flooded with billboards depicting Sergei Dumenko who calls “to pray in the native language. Posters with the signature of the head of the OCU can be seen in large numbers on the Vladimir Hill, near the Sports Palace, and in other central parts of Ukraine’s capital.
In the billboards, Sergei Dumenko does not specify what he means by the expression "prayer in the native language" (for believers of the UOC, the native language of prayer is Church Slavonic), but the sources of the Union of Orthodox Journalists in the OCU report that such advertising activity of Dumenko is connected with the introduction of the language law to emphasize his "patriotism".
According to Article 30 of the Law "On ensuring the functioning of the Ukrainian language as the state language", which will enter into force on January 16, 2021, all employees of the service sector will have to switch to the Ukrainian language. In addition, the transition will affect educational institutions – circles and sections, as well as the medical sphere.
We recall that representatives of the OCU regularly speculate on the topic of the language of worship, accusing the UOC that they serve in “unpatriotic” Church Slavonic and that service in Ukrainian is allegedly prohibited.