Lawyers have filed 16 applications on offences of "activists" near Lavra

The police are reluctant to respond to complaints from the monastery's lawyers regarding disturbances by "activists".
On 8 December 2023, "16 applications have already been filed about the commission of criminal offences by the so-called activists against the parishioners of the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra," the lawyer of the monastery Dmitro Tsvietov shared with the Public Union Myriany.
At the same time, according to him, the police do not enter such information into the ERDR and do not start investigations.
"In this regard, we appealed to the judge of the Pechersk district court on the facts of inactivity of the police. To date, the court has considered 12 complaints and made a determination regarding the entry of such information into the Unified Register of Pre-Trial Investigations. 9 determinations were sent to the Pechersk Police Department. But only two of them were entered into the URPTI, and a pre-trial investigation was launched," said the lawyer.
Earlier the UOJ wrote that the court ordered the police to open 10 criminal cases against the "activists" near the Lavra.