RCC cardinal calls blessing same-sex couples sacrilege

According to Cardinal Müller, God cannot send His grace on relationships contrary to Him.
Roman Catholic Cardinal Gerhard Müller believes that the blessing of same-sex marriages authorised by the Vatican and the Pope is a sacrilege, reports infovaticana.com.
The cardinal noted that the Pope can give a modern interpretation to some truths of the faith, but these "innovations cannot go beyond what was revealed once and for all by the Apostles as the Word of God."
He stressed that in fact "there are no biblical texts or texts from the fathers or doctors of the church or previous documents of the Magisterium that support FS's conclusions. Furthermore, it is a doctrinal leap”.
The cardinal believes that if one uses the Pope's logic (gay couples can ask for a blessing in the same way that people who meet a priest on the street ask for a blessing), one could "bless, for example, an abortion clinic or a mafia group".
Müller writes that in the case of blessing gay couples, "the pastoral blessing is conveyed in situations contrary to the Gospel".
"Note that here not only sinful people are blessed, but by blessing the couple, the sinful relationship itself is blessed. Now, God cannot send his grace on a relationship that is directly opposed to Him, and that cannot be ordered on a path towards Him," Cardinal Gerhard Müller emphasised.
He highlighted, "…blessing, in the Bible, has to do with the order created by God, which He saw was good. This order is based on the sexual difference of man and woman, called to be one flesh. The blessing of a reality that opposes creation is not only not possible, but constitutes blasphemy."
As reported, RCC hierarchs in Kazakhstan banned their clerics from blessing gay couples.