MinCulture responds on legality of purchasing LGBT children's books

Gaidai, who, together with associates, wants to achieve the withdrawal of LGBT books from libraries and schools, said officials are pushing them to take legal action.
The Ministry of Culture of Ukraine did not find any violations during the purchase of the children's book "Princess + Princess: Happily Ever After". The candidate of historical sciences, political analyst Valentin Gaidai, who initiated the campaign against LGBT propaganda, wrote about this on his Facebook page.
“We received a response from the Ministry of Culture regarding the purchase of the book “Princess + Princess ...,” he said. “It turns out that the officials did not find any violations during the purchase of this literature, although it was not carried out through the Prozorro system, as it should be in such cases.”
According to Gaidai, in the coming days, a meeting with the plenipotentiary of the President of Ukraine for children's rights, Nikolai Kuleba, is to take place, and he hopes that it will be constructive and fruitful.
“But, in any case, the overall picture is rather pessimistic. Officials flooded us with constant formal replies, which pushes us to a lawsuit on the fact of violations in the procurement procedure for this ‘literature’,” stated Valentin Gaidai.
As reported earlier, the Ukrainian government spent budget funds to promote LGBT to children. Thus, the Ministry of Culture and the Ukrainian Institute of Books purchased 1,240 copies of the book for young children “Princess + Princess: Happily Ever After” for 666 thousand hryvnias, which caused a wave of criticism and indignation in Ukrainian society.
Valentin Gaidai, together with his associates, collected expert opinions confirming that this book is harmful to children, and developed a legal basis for its removal from children's libraries and schools.