UOC lawyers file a police report against OCU "bishop" Lotysh

Lawyers of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church have filed a police complaint against the "bishop" of OCU Avraamiy Lotysh because of his incitement of interfaith discord.
On 14 February 2024, the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra's lawyers filed a police report against the "bishop of Boryspil" of the OCU Avraаmiy Lotysh, who incited interfaith discord in one of his recent statements, reports the Lavra's lawyer Archpriest Nikita Chekman on his Telegram channel.
In particular, according to the lawyer, Lotysh accused all the monks of the monastery of "collaborationism and cooperation with the aggressor country", and "publicly distributed materials with deliberately false fictions and propaganda of religious exclusivity and intolerance".
"It seems they (parishioners of the UOC – Ed.) help the army, help Ukrainians. Now they help, then they kill. In particular, the identification among them of new and new collaborators cooperating with the aggressor. <...> Nobody takes away anything (shrines – Ed.). The shrine is returned to the Ukrainians, to its home. The liberators will not be welcomed here, as it was supposed. Ukrainian heroes will be welcomed here," Lotysh said in an interview with "UP".
"To incite religious discord against the UOC, Lotysh M.M. deliberately uses the lexemes: 'new collaborators cooperating with the aggressor', 'so-called liberators', i.e. linking the UOC with the activities of the aggressor country, which in turn is propaganda of intolerance towards the UOC," Fr Nikita Chekman added.
As reported, the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra accused Lotysh of lying.