Dmytruk: One of the TCC-detained priests of Khust Eparchy has been released

After two months, Archpriest Ioan Petechel is released, while Archpriest Ioan Rozman continues to be held on the territory of a military unit.
On April 23, 2024, MP Artem Dmytruk reported in his Telegram channel that he had received a response from the Ministry of Defense regarding the unlawful detention by TCC employees of priests of the UOC Khust Eparchy, Archpriest Ioan Petechel and Archpriest Ioan Rozman.
"Right now, Father Ioan Rozman is being illegally detained on the territory of a military unit. The second clergyman was released home only yesterday, thanks to my requests and appeals to the Ministry of Defense and law enforcement agencies. Moreover, they illegally held him for 2 months, and the Ministry of Defense sees nothing illegal in this," the MP wrote.
Dmytruk reminded that both priests had all the legal grounds not to be called up for military service. One of them is a father of many children, the other is taking care of his wife paralyzed after a stroke.
"In the response of the Ministry of Defense, it is also indicated that the clergy did not provide documents confirming their right to deferment," he adds. "How could they provide them if after their abduction they were deprived of even the right to contact their relatives? Absurd!"
As the UOJ reported, the police initiated a criminal case on the fact of exceeding official powers by TCC employees during the detention of clergy of the Khust Eparchy.