Serbian Patriarch Porfirije: OCU is a pseudo-church

The Primate of the Serbian Orthodox Church has expressed concern for the fate of the UOC.
The Primate of the Serbian Orthodox Church, Patriarch Porfirije, wrote a letter to the Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church, Kirill, in which he noted the persecution of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church by the state and called the OCU a pseudo-church, reports the website.
He stated that the military conflict "is being used as a pretext to implement a plan for the final prohibition of the activities of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, with the aim of transferring all its spiritual and material assets into the hands of the pseudo-church".
Patriarch Porfirije assumed that under these conditions "the current difficult situation of our Orthodox brothers will continue to worsen" and also recalled the importance of a peaceful resolution to the armed conflict.
As reported, the Serbian Patriarch called on world leaders to stand up for the Lavra abbot.