Kirovohrad Eparchy joins flash mob against Phanar head’s visit

More and more Orthodox Christians throughout Ukraine are expressing their protest against the arrival of the Patriarch of Constantinople.
The Kirovohrad Eparchy of the UOC has joined the flash mob "Bartholomew, we did not invite you, we are not waiting for you!"
Photos showing the stance of UOC believers in parishes were published by the eparchy’s press service.
“Orthodox believers are asking a citizen of Turkey, Patriarch Bartholomew, who was invited on their behalf to celebrate the 30th anniversary of Ukraine's Independence, not to come to their land because of his illegal decisions and unreasonable actions in Ukraine, enmity, hatred and division are sown, tears are shed, Orthodox priests, churches are being seized ...," the message says.
The flash mob "Bartholomew, we did not invite you" against the visit of the Phanar head to Ukraine was initiated in the churches of the Zaporizhzhia Eparchy. It takes place on social networks with the hashtag # STOPVARFOLOMEY. The initiative was supported in Odessa, Ternopil, Rivne, Vinnytsia and other eparchies of the UOC.