Another judge recuses himself in case of evicting monks from the Lavra

The date of the next hearing will be determined later.
On September 5, a hearing took place in the Northern Appellate Commercial Court of Kyiv regarding the case of the Lower Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra, where the issue of evicting monks from the monastery was to be discussed. This was reported by the monastery's lawyer, Archpriest Nikita Chekman.
"Before the hearing began, a motion for the recusal of one of the judges on the panel was filed by the monastery's representatives, as this judge is also part of another panel dealing with a case concerning the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra. During the consideration of the motion, the judge requested to recuse himself, and the panel granted the recusal, resulting in the postponement of the hearing to an undetermined date," said Father Nikita.
The new hearing date will be set after a new automatic case assignment process, and the monastery's lawyers will announce it.
As previously reported by UOJ, on September 4, a hearing took place in the Northern Appellate Commercial Court of Kyiv concerning the Upper Lavra, during which the complaints of third parties – monks involved in the case – were considered.