Phanar: In the Ukrainian issue, some Churches deviate from the canons

A three-day Council of Bishops of the Orthodox Church of Constantinople took place in Istanbul, which pointed to the need to strengthen the "true faith".
In the Ukrainian issue, some Churches deviate from the canonical tradition. This is the conclusion reached by the Synaxis of the Hierarchy of the Church of Constantinople, which met in Istanbul from September 1 to September 3, 2021, reports the Orthodox Times.
In their final statement, the Phanar bishops "noted with regret" a certain "willingness to alter Orthodox ecclesiology". This is evidenced by the "latest ecclesiastical and non-ecclesiastical events", such as the abstention of four Local Churches to participate in the Cretan Council in 2016, the Ukrainian ecclesiastical issue and the coronavirus pandemic.
The point is that some Churches “deviate from the canonical tradition,” a “deviation" in which the Great Church of Christ cannot be indifferent at all, the Phanar stressed.
They also emphasized the need to promote "true and genuine Orthodox faith" in inter-Christian and inter-religious dialogues and continue cooperation in various fields.
Among other issues, the hierarchs of the Church of Constantinople discussed “the coupling of the Orthodox ecclesiastical tradition with the modern scientific and technological achievements, as well as with the transformations of the society of the future; the spread of the Gospel in the 21st century, modern geopolitical conditions and the role of the Church in them,” etc.
Let us recall that the UOC believes that the main problem of Orthodoxy is the ecclesiology of the Phanar.