Police detain a cleric in Athens for shouting, "Pope, you're a heretic!"

The elderly priest was arrested before the meeting of the Pope with the Primate of the Church of Greece in the Archdiocese of Athens.
In Athens, an elderly Greek priest staged a protest against the visit of Pope Francis to Greece and called him a heretic, for which he was arrested by police, according to in.gr.
The elderly priest appeared before the meeting of the Pope with the head of the Greek Orthodox Church, Archbishop Ieronymos II in the Archdiocese of Athens.
"Pope, are you a heretic!" the priest shouted three times as the Pope was heading to the archbishopric, but the priest was immediately taken away by the police.
The priest is reported to be a regular participant in rallies.
As the UOJ previously reported, the Pope said he eagerly longed to meet with the Heads of the Greek and Cypriot Churches.