Patriarch Kirill urges to keep in mind the Ukrainian schisms

During his sermon, Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus called for prayer for overcoming church schisms, from which the Russian Church suffers in certain countries.
During his sermon, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus called for prayer for overcoming church schisms, from which the Russian Church suffers in certain countries.
“When we enjoy the unity of the Church today, may God let it last as long as possible, until the end of the century, when we can come to our churches without fear, when we are not plagued by any schisms within the Russian Church, at least in the Great Russian part of our Church, but at the same time we must keep in mind the schisms in Ukraine and pray, including to St. Tikhon, for overcoming them," said Patriarch Kirill.
The Primate called to remember those martyrs and confessors, thanks to whom today's prosperity is possible.
“While we have what we have, thanks to God for this new historical reality, we must gratefully commemorate the names of those who, literally or figuratively, gave their lives for the unity of our Church and for the purity of Orthodoxy,” concluded the patriarch.
Earlier, Patriarch Kirill named a condition for dialogue with the Ukrainian schismatics.