Patriarch Theodore says Orthodox and Muslims are brothers

According to the head of the Alexandrian Church, the harmonious coexistence of Muslims and Orthodox Christians is the message of Christ.
Patriarch Theodore of Alexandria and All Africa said that the Orthodox and Muslims are “brothers under the same sky,” reports
At the Christmas Liturgy, which was served by Patriarch Theodore of Alexandria, in addition to representatives of the Greek authorities, the Muslims of Egypt, as well as Imam Mohamed El Amir, vice-president of El Azhar University, were present.
Addressing the latter, Patriarch Theodore emphasized that Christians and Muslims "are brothers under the same sky".
In addition, in a speech to the head of the Coptic Orthodox Church Tawardos, Patriarch Theodore noted that "your struggle is also important for harmonious coexistence with Muslims because this is the message of Christ and the world."
As previously reported, the head of the Phanar blessed the Muslims and featured common things with Christians.