A letter of BOC bishop to Primates on Phanar actions in Ukraine published

The letter of Met Daniel on jeopardized catholicity of the Church due to the Tomos for Ukrainian schismatics was published in Russian, Bulgarian, Greek and English.
The Poznaniye Publishing House published the book “For the Unity of the Church” with a letter in four languages from the hierarch of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church, Metropolitan Daniel of Vidin, which he sent to the primates and hierarchs of the Local Autocephalous Churches regarding the situation in Universal Orthodoxy that has developed after the Patriarchate of Constantinople granted Tomos of autocephaly to the Ukrainian schismatics, according to the publisher's website.
In terms of its genre, the letter is a brief historical and canonical study in which Phanar's activities are comprehensively analyzed on the basis of documents on the transfer of the Kiev Metropolis to the Moscow Patriarchate in 1686, canonical rules and letters (tomos) of the Patriarchate of Constantinople.
The publishing house believes that this appeal of Metropolitan Daniel will go down in the history of the Church. “The reason for writing the letter was the discussion that arose in the Bulgarian Orthodox Church in light of the tragic situation in Ukraine, the intervention of the Patriarchate of Constantinople in the Ukrainian church issue, the formation of the so-called Orthodox Church of Ukraine (OCU) from schismatics with his participation, and the granting of the ‘tomos of autocephaly’ to the newly created structure," the publisher's review reads.
The preface to the book was written by the head of the Department for External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate, Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk. He notes, in particular, that Metropolitan Daniel reasonably shows that the actions of the Patriarchate of Constantinople in Ukraine are a violation of a two-thousand-year-old canonical tradition and are caused, among other things, by dogmatic distortions associated with the renouncement of the principle of catholicity in the Orthodox Church and proclamation of the patriarch Constantinople as its head – instead of Jesus Christ .
Recall that the hierarch of the Bulgarian Church, Metropolitan Daniel of Vidin, addressed the primates and hierarchs of the Local Churches with a message regarding the actions of Phanar in Ukraine. On May 23, 2019, he sent a letter to the primates and hierarchs of the Alexandrian, Jerusalem, Romanian, Cypriot, Greek and Albanian Orthodox Churches, where he analyzed in detail the arguments of the Patriarchate of Constantinople regarding the legitimacy of its actions in Ukraine and their effects for the entire World Orthodoxy.
As the UOJ reported, the book of the Athos monastery about the Ukrainian schism was published in Russian.